September 1, 2017
Dianne “Ms. Snowflake” Feinstein
by Robert L. Hale
fitzgerald griffin foundation
Minot, ND – Some lawmakers in our nation’s capital have a difficult time understanding the concept of the rule of law.
The United States of America was created on the foundation of rule of law, not of men. The law should always trump the wishes of special interests, personal ambition, aristocracy, and elite socialist fantasies.
The rule of law in America is on life support. Laws are brushed aside when they conflict with feelings. Laws enacted today have little or nothing to do with fundamental concepts of right, wrong, reason or logic.
It should surprise no one that so many Americans hold our Congress in such low esteem. Americans know intuitively that something is seriously wrong in America, but cannot put their finger on the problem. They see our communities and nation disintegrating. But why?
In large part, it has to do with the fruits of the 1970's Love Generation’s disrespect for authority, responsibility, striving for excellence and civil discourse.
The children of the Love Generation managed to pull off a virtual takeover of America's once superlative education system. Today our children are not educated, they are indoctrinated by these loveless Love Children.
The rule of law in America is on life support. Laws are brushed aside when they conflict with feelings. Laws enacted today have little or nothing to do with fundamental concepts of right, wrong, reason or logic.
The Love Generation was birthed and fed on the simple concept that their wants, their desires, their satisfaction, must be granted and nothing can be permitted to stand in the way.
The guiding principle of this generation is to use the law to impose its ideology. Thus, ideology -- not truth, reason, logic, common sense, or the law -- underlies far too much of what we see enacted as law today. The Love Generation has perverted the very idea of the law.
The Love Generation was birthed and fed on the simple concept that their wants, their desires, their satisfaction, must be granted and nothing can be permitted to stand in the way.
Rational, thoughtful and sound laws that guide society are quickly disappearing. They've been replaced with the whims of ideologues. Those who promote their ideology have nothing rational supporting their whims or that can justify their ideologies. Thus when challenged, like children, they throw fits and temper tantrums. These fits, screaming, temper tantrums, protests, violent demonstrations and childish irrationality have taken the place of reason and civil discourse in our society.
Yes, the Love Generation is in charge; what it has brought us is many things, but love isn't one of them. It is the Love Generation's ideologies that are responsible for the ongoing disintegration of our culture.
Let's look at a case in point. Senator Dianne Feinstein (D.-Calif.), who has been in the U.S. Senate since 1992, had a meltdown during a recent news conference. She called the conference to complain about the deportation of Maria and Eusebio Sanchez, a couple that had been living in the U.S. illegally for 23 years.
"This is a travesty, plain and simple, the evidence that Donald Trump's immigration policy is nothing more than a hateful deportation program targeting law-abiding families,” Senator Feinstein said. “It's shameful and stands against the very ideals upon which this country was founded. This is a senseless, callous policy, and it's heartbreaking to see it in action."
The couple exhausted their legal remedies and the court upheld their deportation, stating "The courts have consistently held that neither of these individuals has a legal basis to remain in the U.S." This, Senator Feinstein, is what the rule of law is all about.
The guiding principle of this generation is to use the law to impose its ideology. Thus, ideology -- not truth, reason, logic, common sense, or the law -- underlies far too much of what we see enacted as law today.
She is wrong on every point she made. This isn't "a travesty" -- it is the proper application of the rule of law. This isn't a "hateful deportation program" -- this is application of the law Sen. Feinstein participated in crafting. This isn't a "program targeting law-abiding families." This family was not law-abiding, it knowingly and illegally entered the U.S. This couple violated the law. The deportation doesn't "stand against the very ideals upon which this country was founded," it stands for exactly the "ideals" upon what this country was founded -- the rule of law.
Senator Feinstein is supposed to be a lawmaker. She clearly demonstrates little or no understanding what the rule of law is or means. She illustrates the thinking of the Love Generation and its progeny.
Senator Feinstein is reacting like a spoiled, whining, selfish child. Like a child of the Love Generation.
Senator Feinstein also said, "The Department of Homeland Security has refused to exercise discretion in immigration cases, even when compelling humanitarian factors are front-and-center. By deporting Maria and Eusebio Sanchez, the administration admits it will refuse to distinguish between criminals and families, proving once and for all that all undocumented individuals and families are priorities for deportation."
No, Senator Feinstein. What the actions of the Department of Homeland Security prove is that it is applying the law as written.
Senator Feinstein is supposed to be a lawmaker. She clearly demonstrates little or no understanding what the rule of law is or means. She illustrates the thinking of the Love Generation and its progeny.
Senator Feinstein whined, "This is a senseless, callous policy." All Americans should be shocked that Senator Feinstein mistakes a law for a policy – and then calls it senseless and callous. She has truly turned the rule of law on its head.
This couple broke the law. They disrespected it. They refused to follow it. Instead of applying for entry into our country as others from Mexico do, they entered illegally.
A word has recently been coined that may have been inspired by the thinking of Senator Feinstein. It speaks to the lack of rational sensitivity, a refusal to engage in civil discourse and debate, and impugning the thinking and motives of those with whom one disagrees. The word is “snowflake.”
I would like to nominate Senator Dianne Feinstein to serve as America’s Ms. Snowflake!
Robert L. Hale received his J.D. in law from Gonzaga University Law School in Spokane, Washington. He is founder and director of a non-profit public interest law firm. For more than three decades he has been involved in drafting proposed laws and counseling elected officials in ways to remove burdensome and unnecessary rules and regulations.See Mr. Hale's biographical sketch.
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