Ronald N. Neff
Archives: Ronald N. Neff
• November 11, 2021 – Ronald N. Neff: Renaissance Man, Devout Catholic, and My Friend
Ronald N. Neff
Ronald N. Neff, longtime editor for the Fitzgerald Griffin Foundation, died on September 26, 2021. May he rest in peace.
Ronn was the managing editor of The Last Ditch website from 1994 until his death; and from 1994 to 2007, he was the managing editor and webmaster for Sobran's: The Real News of the Month.
He had a B.A. in philosophy from Indiana University, and was an adjunct instructor for the Freedom Mountain Academy in Tennessee.
His website, Thornwalker.com, contains his essays and various publishing projects, including The Last Ditch and completing the Notes and Revisions to James Kiefer's Theism and Objectivism.
He is the author of "Polite Totalitarianism" and A Penrose Stairway: Why the Free Market and Limited Government are Incompatible, both of which are available at Thornwalker.com which will soon become part of fgfBooks.com.
Make a Donation to FGF in honor of Ronn Neff
Obituaries of Ronn NeffObit by Susan Neff
Future of Freedom Foundation
"Ronald N. Neff, Rest in Peace” by Tom McPherren; and “The Moral Libertarian by Paul Michelson”