Samuel T. Francis Samuel T. Francis

Western Civilization
and the great legacies of
Sam Francis and Joe Sobran
and their allies

Joseph Sobran Joseph Sobran

November 4, 2016

News Conference announcing second edition of Joe Sobran’s
Hustler: The Clinton Legacy:

by Fran Griffin
President, Fitzgerald Griffin Foundation

Sen. Dick Black Decries Potential “Co-Presidency” of Clintons

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Richard Black of Virginia said at a news conference in Washington that if Hillary Clinton wins the election, that our country will “enter the age of Caligua, an age of debauchery and murder, of war, and of stunning financial corruption.” Sen. Black made his remarks during a press conference at the National Press Club announcing the newly-published edition of Hustler: The Clinton Legacy by Joseph Sobran.

Watch Sen. Black’s speech on YouTube

If Hillary Clinton wins the election, that our country will “enter the age of Caligua, an age of debauchery and murder, of war, and of stunning financial corruption.”
--Senator Dick Black

On October 24, Sen. Richard Black of Virginia called for the resignation of FBI deputy director, Andrew McCabe for mishandling the Clinton email investigation. Four days later, FBI director, Jim Comey, reopened the investigation into thousands of emails sent to and from Hillary Clinton to her unsecured server.

At the October 19 news conference on Hustler: The Clinton Legacy, Sen. Black asked: “Why resurrect old issues of rape, forcible sex, and corruption surrounding Bill Clinton?” Because Bill Clinton is the “only President who was both impeached and credibly accused of rape. This is a possible co-president of the United States,” Sen. Black said.

We must never forget the co-presidency of Bill and Hillary in the 1990s. While they left the White House penniless 15 years ago, Sen. Black reported, their personal net worth is now $110 million dollars. They went from being flat broke to having their Clinton Foundation collecting over $2 billion dollars in just a few years by selling power and access to foreign entities, Sen. Black said.

Sen. Black discussed the Clintons’ misuse of the Internal Revenue Service to audit accusers of Bill, including Gennifer Flowers, Juanita Broaddrick, Paula Jones and Elizabeth Ward Gracen.

“The corruption of the IRS continued into the Obama years and became a launching pad for corruption,” Sen. Black said. He also mentioned the Clinton “body count”; “China Gate” in which massive amounts of foreign fund poured into the Bill Clinton campaign chest; the vandalizing of the White House when the Clintons left; and “Pardon Gate” in which President Clinton pardoned drug king pins, swindlers, and even a fugitive, Marc Rich, who was on the FBI most-wanted list at the time. Subsequently Mr. Rich made hefty contributions to Hillary’s Senate campaign and to the Clinton Library.

“It appears that the Clintons’ marriage has been good and dead for a long time, and that the price of Hillary’s cooperation in Bill’s quest for the presidency was a share of the spoils. In other words, the White House became the object of a de facto property settlement in a bitter but unannounced divorce between two extremely ambitious people.”
--Joe Sobran

At the news conference, Sen. Black noted that it was interesting that there were some last-minute accusers of candidate Trump. To his knowledge, Sen. Black said, Mr. Trump has never had any such accusations in his past. But, he noted, that as early as 1972 when Bill Clinton was a student at Yale University, there was an accusation that he had sexually assaulted a young woman on campus. And as late as May of this year, the Washington Times reported that Mr. Clinton had been on Jeffrey Epstein’s “Lolita Express” often ditching Secret Service agents. Epstein, a convicted sex offender, was known for procuring underage girls on his airplane for the purpose of granting sexual favors.

Sen. Black and the other speakers at the news conference, Fran Griffin, publisher of Hustler: The Clinton Legacy, and Ronald Neff speaking for the editor of the book, quoted many passages from Hustler describing the Clintons in the White House. See YouTube video of the entire press conference here.

View the YouTube video of the speakers at the National Press Club announcing the second edition of Hustler: The Clinton Legacy by Joe Sobran.

“One early result of all these scandals is that Hillary’s image as Bill’s better half — the “ethical” member of the family — is shot. Moreover, there is no love lost between these two. They are like members of a trapeze act who hate each other’s guts, but can’t let go: if one falls, the act is finished.,” Sobran wrote in the book.

Another excerpt from Hustler quoted by the speakers was: “It appears that the Clintons’ marriage has been good and dead for a long time, and that the price of Hillary’s cooperation in Bill’s quest for the presidency was a share of the spoils. In other words, the White House became the object of a de facto property settlement in a bitter but unannounced divorce between two extremely ambitious people.”


Hustler: The Clinton Legacy, published by FGF Books, the publishing arm of the Fitzgerald Griffin Foundation, is a 292-page book of columns written by Joseph Sobran during the years that Bill Clinton was president. Over the past few weeks, FGF Books has run radio ads for Hustler in key swing counties in the U.S. including Reno, Nevada; Wilkes-Barre, PA; and Cincinnati and Toledo, Ohio.

Hustler is available from, CreateSpace, Amazon, and Kindle. For more information, see or call toll-free at 1-877-726-0058 .