Samuel T. Francis Samuel T. Francis

Western Civilization
and the great legacies of
Sam Francis and Joe Sobran
and their allies

Joseph Sobran Joseph Sobran

Fran Griffin

Fran Griffin, founder of Griffin Communications
and the Fitzgerald Griffin Foundation

The Southern Poverty Law Center has labelled the Fitzgerald Griffin Foundation as a "hate group," as they hate our mission to preserve Western civilization and its core, Christianity. Our mission is not to hate but to discuss the fundamental principles of our culture and society. FGF is offended with the charge, and that anyone could believe that ideas discussed on this site could be designated as hateful. See the helpful links below to learn more about the SPLC.

When the Pope Praises You and the World Puts You on a “Hate” List. ... Ultimately, who determines what is hateful, and who determines what is loving?

Southern Poverty Law Center Isn’t Serving Its Original Purpose

Labor Watch: Southern Poverty Law Center: Wellspring of Manufactured Hate

Liberal Law Center Demonizes Christian Foes of LGBTQ Agenda as Hate Groups

The Day Report with Day Gardner
on Urban Family Radio, August 12, 2014

Op-Eds by Fran Griffin:

August 19, 2024
FGF Enters Transgenderism Battle: A Petition for Assistance

Mrach 8, 2024
Willa Ann Johnson, R.I.P., Reaganite, Sobran friend, conservative luminary

September 6, 2023
Susan Neff, R.I.P.: A humble, kind, and gracious soul returns to her Maker

November 12, 2022
Anne Libby Edwards

June 13, 2022
FGF to join an amicus brief petitioning the Supreme Court to end vaccine mandates for health professionals

November 12, 2021
Announcing our Latest Book: Harley Price’s Give Speech A Chance: Heretical Essays on What You Can’t Say or Even Think

November 11, 2021
Ronald N. Neff: Renaissance Man, Devout Catholic, and My Friend

April 12, 2021
Kristin Kazyak: Warrior for Christ

July 19, 2019
Mary Dougherty Janetatos, R.I.P. --a reflection on her life

February 25, 2019
FGF Petitions Supreme Court to Keep Bladensburg Cross Standing: Files Brief Against American Humanist Association

December 31, 2018
It's New Year's Eve: Will you help FGF expand our publishing of forthright authors?

December 12, 2018
Joe Sobran books make great presents!

November 30, 2018
FGF Petitions Supreme Court to Reject Eugenics: Files Brief Against Planned Parenthood

May 30, 2018
Faith Ryan Whittlesey, R.I.P.

February 23, 2016
Subtracting Christianity:
Sobran’s invaluable work on religion in America

November 4, 2016
Hustler: The Clinton Legacy


Fran Griffin is president of the Fitzgerald Griffin Foundation, which she founded in 2003. Prior to founding FGF, she served numerous Christian and conservative organizations as an event manager and publisher, writer, editor, and publicist through her public relations firm, Griffin Communications. In addition she is the Chief Executive Officer Finance Business Forms Company, founded by her father, Daniel Griffin, in 1947.

Mrs. Griffin was born and raised in Chicago. She has a B.A. from Rosary College (now Dominican University) and an M.A. in Political Science from the University of Chicago. She was a talk show host on WYCA-AM (Hammond, Indiana) for three years. She also was a candidate for Illinois State Senate and the Illinois chairman of Young Americans for Freedom.

She came to Washington, D.C. to work as legislative assistant to Congressman Tom Corcoran (R-IL), and later went to work as Media Director for the American Conservative Union when Congressman Phil Crane (R-IL) was chairman. She left ACU to take a position in the Reagan for President campaign in 1979 and, after his election, headed up a transition team on the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (The team recommended that CPB be abolished).

Griffin Communications, founded at the beginning of the Reagan presidency, represented hundreds of organizations, authors, and causes, including Phyllis Schlafly’s Eagle Forum, Paul Weyrich’s Free Congress Foundation, Howard Phillips’s Conservative Caucus, Jonas Savimbi’s Free Angola Information Service, the Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund, the Committee to Avert a Mideast Holocaust, the America At Risk coalition, Gen. Daniel Graham’s High Frontier, Inc., the Conservative Network, the Intercollegiate Studies Institute, the Independent Institute, and The Wanderer Forum, among others. The firm also arranged book tours and advertising campaigns for many authors including Malachi Martin, Leon Podles, Enrique Rueda, and E. Michael Jones.

From 1994 to 2007, Griffin Communications published Joe Sobran’s monthly newsletter, Sobran’s the Real News of the Month. The inspiration for Fitzgerald Griffin Foundation occurred during this time. FGF was founded in 2003 as a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting to the ideas of a free society, to defending the family, to one man-one woman marriage, and to the sanctity of life from conception to natural death.

Mrs. Griffin manages and facilitates the publication of the Fitzgerald Griffin Foundation’s books, essays, and columns. The latest FGF book is Give Speech A Chance: Heretical Essays on What You Can’t Say or Even Think by Harley Price. Mrs. Griffin wrote the Foreword to the book.

She also published three anthologies of Joseph Sobran’s writings: Subtracting Christianity: Essays on American Culture and Society; Joseph Sobran: The National Review Years; and Hustler: The Clinton Legacy.

Fran Griffin oversaw FGF’s publication of an anthology of Samuel Francis’s columns and speeches, Shots Fired: Sam Francis on America’s Culture War.

In addition, she directed the compilation of two booklets of pithy Sobran sayings, Anything Called a Program is Unconstitutional: Confessions of a Reactionary Utopian; and Regime Change Begins at Home: Confessions of a Reactionary Utopian.

Mrs. Frances Margaret of Castello Griffin, T.O.P., is a perpetually-professed member of the Third Order of St. Dominic, the lay branch of the Order of Preachers (Dominican Order). She serves on the Board of Directors of the Marriage and Family Recovery Programs. Because of her dedication to bring the truth of Christ to the world, in her spare time she works as a catechist of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, a Montessori-inspired faith formation program for children. She is also an active pro-lifer with Defend Life, the largest pro-life organization in the Washington, D.C. Metro area.

Mrs. Griffin is available for speaking engagements on various topics, including America’s culture war, pro-family and pro-life issues, and the life and legacies of Joe Sobran and Samuel Francis. Contact her at for more information.