Western Civilization
and the great legacies of
Sam Francis and Joe Sobran
and their allies

Fitzgerald Griffin Foundation
Fitzgerald Griffin Foundation was founded in 2003 to promote and preserve the glorious traditions and culture of Western
civilization and Christianity. We do this through publishing projects — including
books and columns at fgfBooks.com — lectures, and conferences.
In the columns posted at our website and at our events,
we discuss a variety of issues such as religious liberty, American culture and society, war and peace, immigration, the sanctity of marriage between
one man and one woman, modern American history, morality in politics, church history, Charity Under Fire
(listen to Christopher Manion's lecture on this topic), pre-born citizens' rights — to name just a few. Subscribers and donors to the foundation
receive regular emails with opinion columns and alerts about our upcoming activities.
A major part of our mission is to publish and preserve the writings of great authors.
Our 2022 book Give Speech A Chance: Heretical Essays on What You Can’t Say or Even Think by Harley Price is dedicated to Joseph Sobran.

FGF is the conserver of Joseph Sobran’s legacy. Our Sobran titles to date include: Subtracting Christianity: Essays on American Culture and Society; Joseph Sobran: The National Review Years; Hustler: The Clinton Legacy; Anything Called a Program is Unconstitutional: Confessions of a Reactionary Utopian; and Regime Change Begins at Home: Confessions of a Reactionary Utopian.
The Fitzgerald Griffin Foundation also holds the copyrights to the work of Samuel Francis. FGF Books has published Shots Fired: Sam Francis On America's Culture War, an anthology of his columns and speeches.
FGF also facilitated the publication of his magnum opus on political theory and the history of the modern world, Leviathan & Its Enemies.
In addition, we supported the publication of an anthology of Joseph Sobran’s columns in Romanian title Evul Intunecat, Noua Moralitate, Dark Ages, New Morality, by the Romanian publisher, Contra Mundum. This book may be purchased here.
Titles to be published in 2025 include: an original translation from French of The Life of Mary Magdalen by Jean-Baptiste Henri Lacordaire, O.P.; Leviathan & Its Enemies, Abridged by Samuel T. Francis; and Statism and Stupidity, a collection of essays by Ronald N. Neff, editor of Sobran’s The Real News of the Month.
Our work is made possible by individual donors. We do not receive or accept government funding. We appreciate your support, purchases of our books, your spreading the word about us to your friends and colleagues, and your prayers.
Fran Griffin, Founder & President
Fitzgerald Griffin Foundation
Board of Directors
Nona Aguilar, New York City
Jean-Francois Orsini, Washington, D.C.
Charles G. Mills, Front Royal, Virginia
Bartholomew de la Torre, O.P., Mexicali, Mexico
Frank Creel, R.I.P., founding member
For more information contact the:
Fitzgerald Griffin Foundation
344 Maple Avenue West, #281
Vienna, VA 22180
toll-free at 1-877-726-0058