Western Civilization
and the great legacies of
Sam Francis and Joe Sobran
and their allies

Fitzgerald Griffin Foundation
The FGF Book Launching of
Give Speech A Chance: Heretical Essays on What You Can’t Say or Even Think

Friday, September 23, 2022
Maggiano’s Little Italy
McLean, Virginia 22102
Video Key:
0:30: Opening Prayer by Rev. Bart de la Torre, O.P.
2:06: Introduction of Robert Reilly by Rev. Jerry J. Pokorsky
5:32: Remarks by Robert Reilly. Introduction of Paul Gottfried
9:45: Paul Gottfried’s talk, “Dealing Humorously with the Woke Enemy”
25:00: Introduction of Rev. Bart de la Torre, O.P. followed by his talk, “The Price of Being Free”
41:13: Introduction of Allan Carlson, followed by his talk, “A Hetero-Normative, cisgender Barbarian Tells All”
55:18: Introduction of Fran Griffin
1:00: Remarks by Fran Griffin and an introduction of Harley Price
1:11: Harley Price’s talk, “Appreciating Joe Sobran, and the Virtue of Gratitude in General”
1:33: Closing Prayer by Rev. Jerry Pokorsky
Photos of the 2022 Book Launching
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Previous Event
"The Indwelling of the Holy Trinity: How Faithful Catholics Can Change the World"
by Dominican missionary Rev. Gregory Maturi, O.P.
Sunday, October 11, 2020
4 p.m. Sung Vespers
4:30 p.m. Talk by Fr. Maturi
St. John the Beloved Catholic Church
6420 Linway Terrace
McLean, Virginia 22101
R.S.V.P.: griffin@griffnews.com
View Livestream or at the
Fr. Greg Maturi, O.P.
Fr. Gregory Maturi, O.P., S.T.L., is a Dominican friar stationed in Kisumu, Kenya, in Africa. He will address the topic, “The Indwelling of the Holy Trinity: How Faithful Catholics Can Change the World.” His talk, which will follow sung Vespers, is being sponsored by St. John the Beloved Catholic Church in McLean, Virginia.
All Catholics in a state of grace enjoy the Indwelling of the Holy Trinity. Fr. Maturi will discuss how this Divine Indwelling, properly understood, is the perfect antidote to the errors pervading our world.
Fr. Maturi, who was ordained as a friar of the Dominican Eastern Province of St. Joseph in 1994, is in the U.S. now to raise much-needed funds for the Dominican Kenya mission.
Since 2016, Fr. Maturi has been on the other side of the world ministering to a spirit-filled flock of devout but very poor Kenyan Catholics, who, despite their poverty are happy because of their strong faith. To serve their sacramental and spiritual needs, Fr. Maturi helped build a new shrine to the famous Dominican lay brother, St. Martin de Porres in Kisumu. He is also involved in the building of a new church for his parish, St. Dominic’s, which is being constructed by local village craftsmen.
Fr. Greg Maturi, O.P. and other friars with children at St. Martin’s Shrine in Kisumu
Fr. Maturi visits the home of one of the parish’s families
As part of his missionary work, Fr. Maturi networks with local Kenyan churches and community organizations of Kisumu to host summer camps for children, as well as neighborhood festivals and other family-oriented events. He greatly enjoys his work with the youth of Kisumu, especially in organizing school activities and sports events.
A market in Kisumu
Fr. Maturi with students of the Kisumu Technical College
Two young boys on a street in Kisumu
Prior to going to Africa, Fr. Maturi pastor of St. Dominic’s Church in Youngstown, Ohio for 7 years. Shortly after his arrival, two parishioners were murdered: one in the parking lot of the church! These and other murders in the crime-ridden neighborhood of his parish propelled him into action. Fr. Maturi, working with the Youngstown’s mayor, Ohio’s attorney general, and federal, state, and local law enforcement, spearheaded “Operation Redemption” to fight crime and violence on Youngstown’s southside. St. Dominic’s Church became the epicenter for revitalization and renewal in a once booming city now a burned-out part of the rust belt. Along with Ohio’s Attorney general, Fr. Maturi organized “Safety Summits” at St. Dominic’s. The media gave Fr. Maturi the moniker “The Crime-Fighting Priest.” He was able to eliminate 80 blighted, boarded-up nuisance houses in the neighborhood. These houses had become sources of criminal activity and a general degradation of the neighborhood. Fr. Maturi also established a new school and a community center in Youngstown.
Fr. Gregory Maturi, O.P., the youngest of five children, grew up in a strong Catholic family in Alexandria, Virginia. Two of his uncles were Dominican priests. His late parents, Rita and Vincent, were lay Dominicans, as is his sister, Martha.
Fr. Maturi earned a B.S. in chemical engineering from the University of Virginia, and an S.T.L. (Licentiate in Sacred Theology) at the Dominican House of Studies. He has served as a college chaplain at New York University, Yale, University of Delaware and at Marymount University, where he also taught Religious Studies.
Fr. Maturi and the Dominican fathers extend an invitation to you to visit them in Kisumu, the third largest city in Kenya, located in the Lake Victoria basin. Several friends of the Dominican Order recently made the long journey to Kisumu and greatly appreciated the opportunity to see another side of the Catholic world.
Those wishing to help the Dominican Mission in Kisumu, Kenya, may send a donation to
Dominican Fathers
Provincial Mission Secretariat
c/o Erin O’Malley
141 East 65th St.
New York, NY 10065-6618
Make checks payable to “Dominican Fathers’ with the memo line, “Kisumu Mission, Fr. Greg”
To donate over the phone, call Erin O’Malley at 646-553-6287.
Previous Event
Join us for the 38th annual Evening of Viennese Waltzing on February 15, 2020
An Invitation from Fran Griffin and the Fitzgerald Griffin Foundation
An Evening of Viennese Waltzing
February 15, 2020
9 p.m. to 1 a.m.
Hall of the Americas in the Organization of American States building, 17th Street and Constitution Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C.
Buy your tickets
for the Waltz Ball. Reservations and payment must be made in advance.
Unless you go to Vienna during Ball season, you cannot have this experience anywhere else.
On Saturday, February 15, you have the opportunity to attend the magnificent "Evening of Viennese Waltzing" in Washington, D.C. The Fitzgerald Griffin Foundation is one of the sponsors of the 38th annual Waltz Ball.
The 38th Annual Evening of Viennese Waltzing will be held in the grand ballroom of the Hall of the Americas in the Organization of American States building (17th and Constitution Ave., Washington, D.C.) on Saturday, February 15 from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.
The formal Waltz Ball features a live orchestra, a sumptuous dessert buffet, and an open bar.
The magnificent orchestra, Con Brio! will be playing the music of Johann Strauss and other classic composers for four hours. You will be entertained by such classic pieces as "The Radetzky March" and "The Blue Danube.”
Even if you don't dance, come to enjoy the inspiring music and beautiful setting.
Unless you go to Vienna during Ball season, you cannot have this experience anywhere else.
Here is the attire: Gentlemen: White Tie or Black Tie. Ladies: floor-length ball gowns.
The attire for the Waltz is "White Tie optional" which means that black tie is the only option for men. Women need to wear a long gown.
Listen to some of the music that will be played by the orchestra at the Waltz Ball
R.S.V.P. and advance ticket purchase required. Tickets are $185 each.
Or mail a check to:
International Policy Forum
8216 Stonewall Drive,
Vienna, VA 22180
Plan to join Fran Griffin and supporters of the Fitzgerald Griffin Foundation at the elegant Waltz Ball on February 15!
Previous Event
A Tribute to Jon Basil Utley

This event was held to celebrate Jon Utley's 80th birthday. Jon Utley is the publisher of The American Conservative magazine, and an entrepreneur. The event was under the auspices of the Committee for the Republic. Speakers included Fran Griffin, Allan Brownfeld, Lee Edwards of the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, Allan Ryskind, editor-at-large of Human Events newspaper, Dan McCarthy, editor of The American Conservative, Grover Norquist, Francis Beckett, and Richard Viguerie. Jon Utley spoke about some of the lessons learned during his action-packed life, including Why War is Washington's Favored Action, and the Growing Police State in America. Bruce Fein presented Mr. Utley with The Defender of Liberty Award on behalf of the Committee for the Republic.
Empire Salon | Metropolitan Club
1700 H St NW
Washington, DC 20036
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
For questions
Previous Event
“Remembering Joe
November 4, 2011
A Power
Point presentation by former Sobran’s publisher,
Fran Griffin,
to the H.L. Mencken Club annual conference
The banquet was the opening session of the 2011 Mencken Club conference, “Canon Wars: Rethinking the Conservative Canon.” In addition to Miss Griffin’s presentation, Paul Gottfried, President of the club, gave a talk titled “What Should the Conservative Canon Be?"
Fran Griffin was a friend and colleague of columnist and author, Joe Sobran, for 30 years. For the last 15 years of his life, she was his publisher, both of his newsletter, Sobran’s: The Real News of the Month, and his column, The Reactionary Utopian.
Previous Event
“A Voice for the Voiceless”
November 17-18, 2011

Melissa Ohden
Survivor of a failed
saline abortion in 1977
Melissa Ohden, a survivor of a failed saline abortion in 1977, is the Founder and Director of For Olivia’s Sake, an organization which seeks to raise awareness of the intergenerational impact of abortion.
Previous Event
“Taking on the Abortion
How You Can Fight Planned Parenthood on the Ground”
October 13 & 14, 2011
Virginia, Maryland & Pennsylvania

A lecture
by Eric Scheidler
Executive Director of the Pro-Life Action
League of Chicago
Eric Scheidler is Executive Director of the Pro-Life Action League of Chicago, ProLifeAction.org, founded in 1980 by his father, veteran pro-life leader, Joe Scheidler, to fight abortion through non-violent direct action.
Since August 2007, Eric has headed the grassroots pro-life group, Fox Valley Families Against Planned Parenthood, dedicated to shutting down the nation’s largest abortion facility, which opened in Aurora, Illinois, under a cloud of deception and controversy. Eric speaks frequently on pro-life issues to audiences around the country.
Previous Event
"Abandoned: The Untold
Story of the Abortion Wars"
September 15 & 16, 2011

A lecture by Monica
university professor of theology
founder of Citizens for a Pro-Life Society
Professor Miller described her dramatic adventures in pro-life action in Chicago and Michigan
Previous Event
"End of Life Issues:
What the Catholic Church Teaches on Euthanasia"
April 7 & 8, 2011

A lecture by Msgr.
Stuart Swetland
professor at Mt. St. Mary's University in Emmitsburg, Maryland
Monsignor Stuart W. Swetland holds
the Most Reverend Harry J. Flynn Endowed Chair for Christian
Ethics and Chair of the President's Committee on Catholic Identity
and Mission at Mount St. Mary's. He has also served as Vice
President for Catholic Identity and Mission and Director of
Homiletics and Pre-Theology.
In addition, he is host of the TV program, “Catholicism on Campus: Philosophy and the Search for Wisdom” on the Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN).
Previous Event
The Challenges to the Christian
in the Era of Obama
March 10 & 11, 2011
Baltimore/Washington, D.C.

How should a Christian respond to the Obama health care legislation, the President’s support for same-sex unions, and federally-funded abortions — and the denial of the “conscience clause” for health care providers?
Charles Rice, professor emeritus, Notre Dame Law School, one of America’s leading Constitutional scholars discussed how a Christian should respond to an increasingly-hostile culture and government in a lecture tour in the Baltimore/Washington, D.C. area.
Previous Event
The Story of Catherine
of Siena
Diplomat & Mystic
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Washington, D.C.

Catherine of Sienais one of the most fascinating women in all of history. Despite being unable to read (until taught by Our Lord Himself), she wrote one of the greatest works of medieval literature, and counseled popes, generals, queens and princes. She brokered peace among warring cities in Italy, influenced politics, and attracted citizens of all walks of life to her for advice and spiritual direction. All of this is just 33 years. She was the second woman to become a Doctor of the Church.
Drawing on his research (including visits to Siena), and the recently republished biography on Catherine by Nobel prize-winning author Sigrid Undset , Catherine of Siena, (Ignatius Press, 2009), Christopher Check presented highlights of Catherine’s life and work.
Christopher Check is the Executive Vice President of the Rockford Institute, which publishes the magazine, Chronicles: A Magazine of American Culture.
Previous Event
A Tribute to Joe Sobran
13, 2009
Featured remarks by Joe Sobran
and tributes from friends and colleagues:
Patrick J. Buchanan, commentator, author, columnist, and broadcaster
Tom Bethell, author of many books, including Questioning Einstein:
Is Relativity Necessary?
Faith Whittlesey, former Chief of Public Liaison in the Reagan
White House
Howard Phillips, The Conservative Caucus
Proceeds from the dinner helped fund a new collection of Joe Sobran’s columns which had never before appeared in book form or on the Internet. Articles from National Review and his syndicated column in the 1980s and early 1990s were featured in the book, Joseph Sobran: The National Review Years. It included a Foreword by Patrick Buchanan and Afterword by Ann Coulter.
The dinner was in the Capitol View Ballroom on the 14th floor of Key Bridge Marriott with a beautiful view of Washington, D.C.
Photo highlights from the Tribute to Joe Sobran
All photos by Kevin Lamb

Fr. J.J. Pokorsky gave the opening prayer
Joe Sobran enjoyed seeing friends and supporters
Faith Whittlesey talks with Howard Segermark, Robert Royal, & Jean-Francois Orsini at the reception
Fran Griffin, President of the Fitzgerald Griffin Foundation
Pat Buchanan was one of the speakers
at the tribute to Sobran
Tom Bethell quizzes Joe on passages from Shakespeare during his talk
Faith Whittlesey gives a toast to Sobran
Robert Reilly was Master of Ceremonies
Howard Phillips gave a rousing speech
Fr. Frank Papa led the closing prayer
Previous Event
Charity Under Fire
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
McLean, Virginia

“Charity: (1) Christian love; God's Love for man; Man's love towards God and his fellow man.” (Oxford English Dictionary)
As the federal government continues its assault on the family, communities, and Christian morals in general, it proposes in each case a replacement modeled on the benevolent secular state. A most troubling dimension of this attack is the growing and virtually unopposed takeover of voluntary charity by the government. Even the Catholic Church, which historically (and theologically) is the ultimate bulwark against Leviathan, has succumbed; in return for its acquiescence, it now receives billions of taxpayers’ dollars each year for its hospitals, schools, and charities. The Church has paid for this federal munificence not only with the usual strings attached to funding, but also with its ominous silence amid the outrages committed by politicians (many of them Catholic) against Catholic morals and Catholic families.
Christopher Manion lives with his wife and daughter on a small farm on the Shenandoah River, where he runs an intellectual-property business and writes a weekly column for The Wanderer, America's oldest national Catholic newspaper.
Hear audio of Charity Under Fire
Previous Event
Lepanto: The
Battle That Saved the Christian West
Sunday, May 25, 2008
McLean, Virginia

On October 7, 1571, the most important sea battle in history was fought near the mouth of what is today called the Gulf of Patras, then the Gulf of Lepanto. On one side were the war galleys of the Holy League and on the other, those of the Ottoman Turks, rowed by tens of thousands of Christian galley slaves. Although the battle decided the future of Europe, few Europeans, and even fewer European Americans, know the story, much less how close Western Europe came to suffering an Islamic conquest.
On October 7, 1911, English poet and theologian, G.K. Chesterton honored the battle with what is perhaps the greatest ballad of the 20th Century.
Christopher Check is the Executive Vice President of the Rockford Institute, which publishes the magazine, Chronicles: A Magazine of American Culture.
Previous Event
"From Grunts
to Grace: Recreating a Spirited Dialogue in a Culture that
Fears Conflict"
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Arlington, Virginia

Once the instrument for communion, speech has become the means for stealth exploitation and control. Mary Meade will give us the antidote for the prevalent fear and utilitarianism which haunts our culture ’s spoken word.
Mary S. Meade, Esq., is the President of the Law Offices of Mary S. Meade, and Executive Director of the Marriage and Family Recovery Programs . She is co-author of Whose FBI (Open Court) and the forthcoming Conflict Resolution in Faith and Reason: How to Have an Undamnably Good Fight!