ALEXANDRIA, VA — The so-called “cash for clunkers” program
got off to such a fast start that its $l billion allotment was gone
in just one week of operation. Congress quickly allocated another $2
billion before leaving for its August recess. Now that the program
is history, what lessons can we learn?
Democrats claim that this program was a great success, while Republicans
argue that the fact the program ran out of money so quickly proves
that government cannot run a health care system.
What the program really proves, argued The Wall
Street Journal, “is
that Americans aren’t stupid and will let some other taxpayer
buy them a free lunch if given the chance.” The program, stated
the Journal, was good for people who owned an older car or truck but
were not sure they had the cash to trade it in for something new. They
got a taxpayer subsidy of up to $4,500, which on some models could
be 25 percent of the purchase price. Therefore, “It’s hardly
surprising that Peter is willing to use a donation from his neighbor
Paul, midwifed by Uncle Sugar, to class up its driveway.”
In the end, however, it is bad economics and sets a dangerous precedent
for the future. In the Journal’s view, “The subsidy won't
add to net national wealth, since it merely transfers money to one
taxpayer's pocket from someone else's, and merely pays that taxpayer
to destroy a perfectly serviceable asset in return for something he
might have bought anyway. By this logic, everyone should burn the sofa
and dining room set and refurnish the homestead every couple of years...
Since money is no object, let’s give everyone a $4,500 voucher
for other consumer goods. Let’s have taxpayers subsidize the
purchase of kitchen appliances, women's clothing... and new fishing
The cash for clunkers program was more about rewarding two politically
powerful industries — automakers and auto dealers — than about promoting
energy efficiency or stimulating the economy.
As a way to improve mileage, the program made little sense. Individuals
qualified for a $3,500 credit with trade-ins that netted just four
additional miles per gallon. With 10 additional miles per gallon, they
received $4,500. For light trucks and SUVs, the numbers were even smaller:
two and five. All trade-ins were required to get l8 miles per gallon
or less, and the program provided no incentive to buy any cars getting
greater than 28 miles per gallon — perhaps because this is a segment
of the market in which the foreign automakers are strong.
An editorial in The New York Post noted that, “As economic stimulus,
the program is bogus.... The money allocated is enough to generate
about 250,000 trade-ins. While that may seem like a lot, about 200,000
would have happened anyway, industry experts say. If taxpayers are
spending $l billion for about 50,000 additional car purchases, that
comes to about $20,000 per car. In theory, the first $l billion clears
out all the people who would have traded in anyway, so any additional
money could be more stimulative to the economy. That may be so. But
if the best that can be said for spending another billion or two is
that it won’t be wasted like the first billion, it makes for
a pretty weak argument.”
Perhaps most destructive was the provision that the clunkers subsidy
is distributed only when the old cars are destroyed. Thus, a billion
dollars or more was spent to destroy automobiles that could well have
been sold to those of limited income in need of cars.
Senator Jim Inhofe (R-OK) declared that, “ for clunkers
is a perfect example of why government should not get into the business
of running businesses. It just doesn't work. Unintended\ consequences
abound.... It seems a little suspicious to use taxpayer dollars to
prop up the now-government-owned car industry, which was purchased
with 80 billion of your tax dollars.... Temporary programs become permanently
entrenched interests, and the public good becomes servant to a favored
In Inhofe’s view, this program could have been ”the most
regressive program Congress has ever enacted. Millionaires can get
a few thousand dollars knocked off the price of a new car as long as
the price tag is less than $45,000. Meanwhile, thousands of Americans,
despite the government incentive, cannot afford a new car. These Americans
must shop the market for used cars. Unfortunately for them, in order
to save face on producing any environmental benefits under the program,
traded-in cars must be scrapped. This reduces supply in used car and
used parts markets, thereby increasing prices.”
It is not only free market advocates and critics of the Obama administration
who found the cash-for-clunkers program objectionable. The
Washington Post, usually a supporter of Obama administration initiatives, noted
that, “Stimulating the economy through more government spending
and tax cuts is a much disputed idea. But at least a tax cut or an
increase in unemployment benefits puts money into the hands of consumers
generally and lets them decide how to spend it, rather than having
the government choose which sectors of the economy will benefit. ‘Cash-for-clunkers,’ by
contrast, redistributed demand as between cars and other goods, or
between various models of cars. Car repair shops, parts stores, and
used car dealers suffer.”
Senator John McCain (R-AZ) predicted that, “Within a few weeks,
we will see that this process was abused by speculators and people
who took advantage of what is basically a huge government subsidy or
corporations they already own.”
Business has shown us once again that its interest is not in free
enterprise and free markets — but in profits, however obtained. Thus,
the cash for clunkers program was not only enthusiastically supported
by the automakers and the National Automobile Dealers Association but
also by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce — in the midst of its “Campaign
for Free Enterprise” — and by the National Association of Manufacturers.
The philosophy embodied in this program is the opposite of what we
have always known as the free market. Where will it end? “I hope
one of my colleagues will propose cash for golf clubs,” suggested
Senator John McCain. “I've had many calls from people who have
old golf clubs and they'd like to have some cash for them.” Senator
Tom Coburn (R-OK) asked, “Why not dishwashers? Why not washing
machines? Why not boats? Why not RVs?”
Sadly, when it comes to getting something for nothing with taxpayer
dollars, everyone seems to line up. Both the Obama administration and
the business community, it appears, are co-conspirators in this effort.
It sets a dangerous precedent for the future.
The Conservative Curmudgeon archives
The Conservative Curmudgeon is copyright © 2009
by Allan C. Brownfeld and the Fitzgerald
Griffin Foundation.
All rights reserved. Editors may use this column if this copyright information
is included.
Allan C. Brownfeld is the author of five books, the latest of which
is The Revolution Lobby (Council for Inter-American Security). He has
been a staff aide to a U.S. Vice President, Members of Congress, and
the U.S. Senate Internal Subcommittee.
He is associate editor of The Lincoln Reveiw and a contributing
editor to such publications as Human Events,
The St. Croix Review, and The Washington Report on Middle
East Affairs.
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