ALEXANDRIA, VA — Voices are increasingly being heard — both
in Israel and the United States — urging a pre-emptive war against
Iran to prevent that country from developing a nuclear weapon.
Those in Washington urging military action against Iran — mostly
self-identified "neo-conservatives" — are the same ones
who argued for the invasion of Iraq, beginning a year before it took
place in 2003. While Iraq had no role in 9/11, no weapons of mass destruction,
and no connection to Al Qaeda, we invaded nevertheless.
The war was fought off the books and was never paid for. Hence, our
skyrocketing national debt. We now have the world's largest embassy
in Baghdad — 104 acres on the banks of the Tigris River; and 15,000
employees, including 2,000 diplomats (as opposed to 85 in neighboring
Turkey) at a cost of about $1 billion a year. One result of all of
this was to eliminate Iraq as a regional counterweight to Iran — and
to increase Tehran’s influence in the region, a development hardly
in our best interests.
For the most powerful country in the world to launch a pre-emptive
strike on a country that has not attacked us, and which, according
to the latest U.S. intelligence estimates, is far from the point of
producing a nuclear weapon, would be dangerous folly. Experts say that
even a sustained air campaign would set Iran’s nuclear program
back only a few years; however, it would rally support for Iran both
at home and abroad, and the current international consensus for sanctions
would evaporate.
Three former U.S. Centcom commanders — Gen. John Abizaid, Anthony
C. Zinni, and Admiral William Fallon — have expressed opposition to
bombing Iran’s nuclear installations. The same is true for the
recent chiefs of Israel’s three principal intelligence agencies
-- Mossad, Shin Bet, and the Israel Defense Force.
These men understand Iran’s asymmetrical retaliatory capabilities
that include sowing hundreds of mines in the Strait of Hormuz, through
which 30 percent of the world’s seaborne oil passes. Among other
unintended consequences of an attack on Iran would be an assault against
oil production facilities in pro-Western Gulf nations — Saudi Arabia,
Bahrain, Qatar, Oman, and the United Arab Emirates. Oil prices would
triple, and rather than an economic recovery, we would see a recession
much deeper than the one we have endured.
Former Mossad head Meir Dagan — who served an unprecedented eight-year
term from August 2002 to November 2010 — views bombing Iran as “the
stupidest idea" he had ever heard. He believes that such an attack
would unleash a regional war conducted mostly through Tehran’s
proxies — Hezbollah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and perhaps even Syria,
which, he says, may seek to divert attention from its internal problems
by focusing on a “threat outside the country.”
Beyond this consequence, in Dagan’s view, an attack on Iran
would not end that country’s nuclear ambitions: “What you
can do in some cases is eliminate the industrial infrastructure on
the ground that is producing some part of the project. The question
is not whether Israel is capable of doing so. Israel no doubt has the
ability.... This is not the issue.... Such an attack cannot disarm
the core factor of the Iranian program — knowledge. Knowledge in the
nuclear issue is something that you are not able to prevent, because
knowledge is something that remains in the brains of people. You are
not really capable of eliminating knowledge from people.”
On a recent visit to Washington, Israeli vice prime minister and
career military man Shaul Mofaz appealed for American support in ending
the greatest threat to his country. The key challenge is not Iran’s
military program, he said; rather, it is the drawn-out conflict with
the Palestinians. Mofaz, a former army chief and defense minister,
called the idea of an Israeli attack on Iran “disastrous” and
said any attack would have many dire unintended consequences.
Meir Javedanfar, who lectures on contemporary Iranian politics at
the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya, says that any pre-emptive strike
against Iran would not succeed in uniting the opposition against the
regime: “The regime would even welcome such an attack, because
it would actually shore it up.” He believes there would be a
boost in popularity for the regime.
According to Javedanfar, the opposition would use a pre-emptive strike
by a foreign power against Iran’s nuclear facilities as a battle
cry to unite the people against the regime. By overwhelming margins,
he states, people in Iran are opposed to the regime, but they are also
against an attack on Iranian soil by a foreign force, adding that such
an attack “would bolster nationalist feeling in Iran.”
Americans are weary of war, particularly those conflicts that seem
to serve no national purpose. The Founding Fathers feared needless
wars. In his Farewell Address, George Washington warned against “permanent,
inveterate antipathies against particular Nations and passionate attachments
for others” and advised us “to steer clear of permanent
alliances with any portion of the foreign world.” Thomas Jefferson
called for “Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations...
entangling alliances with none.” President John Quincy Adams
said that America “goes not abroad in search of monsters to destroy.
She is the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all. She
is the champion and vindicator only of her own.”
Nazism and Communism were totalitarian movements bent on world domination,
and we properly led an international coalition to defeat them. The
problems we face today are quite different — yet, some in Washington
are eager to go to war when the challenges we do face can be dealt
with in other ways. To permit those who took us to war in Iraq to do
so again in Iran would be to show that we have learned nothing from
history — even very recent history.
Editorially, The American Conservative notes that, “America,
in her infancy was surrounded by great powers: the British to the north
and ocean east; Spain to the south in Florida; France in the lands
Jefferson would purchase from Napoleon. What the statesmen of the early
republic sought was to marshal the country’s strength by avoiding
unnecessary conflicts — wars of choice — and while they were not
averse to deploying that strength in limited engagements when necessary,
they envisioned no role as peacekeeper, let alone ruler, of the world.
America would lead — but by example, not arms. And those who follow
this counsel today are not isolationists; they are, with a small-r,
Let us hope, as those who promote war with Iran become increasingly
vocal, that wiser heads will prevail.
The Conservative Curmudgeon archives
The Conservative Curmudgeon is copyright © 2012
by Allan C. Brownfeld and the Fitzgerald
Griffin Foundation.
All rights reserved. Editors may use this column if this copyright information
is included.
Allan C. Brownfeld is the author of five books, the latest of which
is The Revolution Lobby (Council for Inter-American Security). He has
been a staff aide to a U.S. Vice President, Members of Congress, and
the U.S. Senate Internal Subcommittee.
He is associate editor of The Lincoln Reveiw and a contributing
editor to such publications as Human Events,
The St. Croix Review, and The Washington Report on Middle
East Affairs.
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