FGF E-Package
A Voice from Fly-Over Country
June 3, 2013

Consequences of Ignoring Reality
by Robert L. Hale
fitzgerald griffin foundation

MINOT, NORTH DAKOTA — We have heard, from an early age, about a number of immutable laws: the laws of nature, the laws of physics, and the laws of finance. We can choose to ignore these immutable laws, just as we can choose to ignore the laws of governing bodies. This is the nature of free will.


Ignoring the natural law cannot negate it and invariably harms the fabric of society and the communities in which we live.    

Of course, our choices generally have consequences. Penalties are put in place, and punishments are imposed for violators. So far, there is no effective means of imposing prior restraints to keep mankind from breaking laws; there are only consequences.

Although we can choose to ignore the laws of nature, we cannot long escape the consequences of doing so.

When one person violates these laws, generally only one or a few are affected. However, when laws are violated on a broad scale, the consequences are significant. Ignoring the natural law cannot negate it and invariably harms the fabric of society and the communities in which we live.

History shows us that nations and cultures come and go. The roots of their demise lie in the consequences of ignoring the laws of nature.

The Great American Experiment — the concept of self-government that we call democracy — is on the verge of collapse. Self-government does not violate the laws of nature; however, those governing can and do. If the violations are caught and corrected, the damage can be minimized. If they remain uncorrected, however, the consequences always usher in devastating outcomes.

The nature of political power breeds corruption, excess, and often destruction. Much has been made recently of the "fiscal cliff" that has come about as a result of ignoring the laws of finance.

It is real, and the painful consequences are about to be experienced.

Is this Administration hell bent on destroying America? Not only is it ignoring the laws of finance; it is ignoring the laws of nature. Blindly or not, Obama is imposing his irrational world view on us.


Our Founding Fathers warned us what would happen if self-government was not restrained by reason and adherence to the laws of nature, embodied in what they called "the laws of man's God."

Our Founding Fathers warned us what would happen if self-government was not restrained by reason and adherence to the laws of nature, embodied in what they called "the laws of man's God." When those laws are ignored, the society becomes nothing more than an unruly mob; what follows is ugly.

We once prided ourselves on being a Christian nation. In the middle of the last century, a concerted effort began to eradicate anything associated with religious principles and teaching. Such teachings must, we were told, be replaced with secular beliefs and values.


Rejecting the truths of anything connected to religious belief is the battle cry of secularism.    

And so, our nation has gradually turned its back on its traditional values and beliefs — the very values and beliefs that made America exceptional.

America's political secularism ignores the laws of finance and natural law. The members of the political elite tell us there is no place for religion in the public square; traditional religious values are based on myth and must be expunged. Rejecting the truths of anything connected to religious belief is the battle cry of secularism.

Equating homosexual unions with traditional marriage ignores an immutable law of nature. Yet secularists insist the two are equal. Obama even requires that military chaplains marry homosexuals. Abortion became a constitutional right in 1973, even though it kills innocent human life. Under Obamacare, every business is required to fully fund contraception, abortifacients, and sterilizations -- even though doing so violates deeply held religious beliefs.

The Administration is now aggressively arguing in our courts that when religious belief conflicts with political mandates, those beliefs must yield and be silenced.

The laws of finance can be ignored but not avoided. Similarly, the laws of nature and nature's God can be ignored, but the consequences cannot be avoided. The truth is that America is fiscally and morally bankrupt. The question is – Will America reject our current political leadership, embrace the laws of nature, finance, and nature's God, or will it become the latest footnote in history?

A Voice from Fly-Over Country archives

A Voice from Fly-Over Country is copyright © 2013 by Robert L. Hale and the Fitzgerald Griffin Foundation. All rights reserved.

Robert L. Hale received his J.D. in law from Gonzaga University Law School in Spokane, Washington. He is founder and director of a non-profit public interest law firm. For more than three decades he has been involved in drafting proposed laws and counseling elected officials in ways to remove burdensome and unnecessary rules and regulations.

See a complete biographical sketch.

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