Samuel T. Francis Samuel T. Francis

Western Civilization
and the great legacies of
Sam Francis and Joe Sobran
and their allies

Joseph Sobran Joseph Sobran

March 22, 2019

The Obama Legacy

by Robert L. Hale
Fitzgerald Griffin Foundation

Minot, North Dakota – I’ve asked dozens of friends and acquaintances if there is any limit on how much federal, state and local governmental entities can take from their citizens. Most look at me with a blank stare. Most have never given it a thought.

America’s first totalitarian socialist president, Woodrow Wilson, pushed through the 16th Amendment to the Constitution. This allowed the Feds to tax our individual income.

Clearly the thought has not crossed the minds of many in Congress. We hear some, those that are proudly labeling themselves as “socialists,” righteously telling us the rich need to pay their “fair share.” The most vocal are calling for a 70% to 90% tax rate on the “rich.”

These pontificating self-righteous paragons of nothing certainly have not considered the question of whether there is a limit on how much government can take from its citizens.

Prior to 1913 the limit on the federal government was effectively set by denying it most tools for taking citizens’ earnings. America’s first totalitarian socialist president, Woodrow Wilson, pushed through the 16th Amendment to the Constitution. This allowed the Feds to tax our individual income.

The debate on the 16th Amendment provided assurance that, if passed, the amount of a federal income tax would never likely exceed 2%.

For those who may have never learned American history in our public schools, the debate on the 16th Amendment provided assurance that, if passed, the amount of a federal income tax would never likely exceed 2%.

In 1913 Congress believed that the Constitutional limits on what the federal government was permitted to do actually had meaning.

Fast forward to 2019. In the intervening 106 years, public education succeeded in dumbing down the vast majority of citizens. Today’s citizens have no idea there ever were any limits on government. This, together with our courts being filled with blueblood progressives (i.e. socialists), has effectively created a citizenry that believes there are few, if any, limits on government. And government is responding by acknowledging there are no limits.

The adoption of Saul Alinsky hate-based community organization tactics, fully ushered in with the election of Barack Obama, is driving today’s new form of politics. The community organizers’ methods of divisiveness, dissension, anger and envy are motivated by hate.

In short, government is out of control; our once respectful, prosperous and free country has been eaten away by a secular, irrational, hateful and immoral leadership.

The current abomination we call government will not reform itself voluntarily. Those in leadership believe themselves untouchable. These arrogant leaders will only go when and if citizens rise up and stop permitting their abuse.

The adoption of Saul Alinsky hate-based community organization tactics, fully ushered in with the election of Barack Obama, is driving today’s new form of politics. The community organizers’ methods of divisiveness, dissension, anger and envy are motivated by hate.

It’s time to ignore those who attack us as being hate-filled. We aren’t. Their tactics prove they are not only ignorant but hate-filled themselves, unable to communicate without vulgar language, sneers or hateful rhetoric, and completely unable to exercise reason in their dialogue.

It’s time to ignore those who attack us as being hate-filled. We aren’t. Their tactics prove they are not only ignorant but hate-filled themselves, unable to communicate without vulgar language, sneers or hateful rhetoric, and completely unable to exercise reason in their dialogue.

The above is prelude to the Obamaites’ and socialists’ next step in their desired reformation of America and the world.

Their reformation calls for open borders and an unelected one-world government. Its purpose, they claim, is to save the world from climate change. In the U.S.A. it’s now being brought to us as the “Green New Deal.”

Government is out of control; our once respectful, prosperous and free country has been eaten away by a secular, irrational, hateful and immoral leadership.

It includes:
– slashing our military in half
– elimination of natural gas and coal over the next 11 years
– banning gasoline-powered vehicles
– dramatic reduction of air travel
– rebuilding all buildings to make them green-friendly
– nationalized health care and the elimination and banning of private health care
– a total ban on semi-automatic weapons
– free college education
– a guaranteed “living wage” for everyone provided by government, and
– a job for everyone who wants to work

This plan will impoverish the majority of Americans. Estimates of the cost over the next 10 years are between $49 and $70 trillion.

Our political elites know that the majority of Americans oppose much, if not all, of this. However, we are not being asked. Instead we’re being told.

This plan will impoverish the majority of Americans. Estimates of the cost over the next 10 years are between $49 and $70 trillion.

It’s time our current political leaders reform or leave. Government must be put on a short leash at all levels. The income government can tax must be limited to no more than 10% of anyone’s earnings; the Federal government must be limited to its original constitutional tasks.

Free people can’t exist when government isn’t strictly limited. Today Americans are no longer free. America is being destroyed from within by excessive bureaucracy, leaders with a socialist mentality, and de facto bankruptcy.


Robert L. Hale received his J.D. in law from Gonzaga University Law School in Spokane, Washington. He is founder and director of a non-profit public interest law firm. For more than three decades he has been involved in drafting proposed laws and counseling elected officials in ways to remove burdensome and unnecessary rules and regulations.

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