Samuel T. Francis Samuel T. Francis

Western Civilization
and the great legacies of
Sam Francis and Joe Sobran
and their allies

Joseph Sobran Joseph Sobran

March 30, 2020

The End of Internationalism

by Charles G. Mills
Fitzgerald Griffin Foundation

Front Royal, Virginia — The coronavirus killed internationalism. Specifically it has ended free movement between countries and international control over national budgets.

The coronavirus killed internationalism: it has ended free movement between countries and international control over national budgets.

The Twentieth Century was the international century. Woodrow Wilson and the European Masonic countries invented a new and unprecedented reason to wage World War I (1914-1918). It was to “make the world safe for democracy.” It gave us the failed League of Nations and it bizarrely gave countries the right to fight other countries if they were not democratic enough.

In the 1920s and 1930s the world reversed course and nationalism began to dominate but the Wilsonianists did not abandon their dreams. Self-righteous countries waged World War II (1939-1945) in the name of “democracy” which became a term so void of actual meaning that it could apply equally to Joseph Stalin and Winston Churchill.

Two of the greatest triumphs of internationalism were the “Schengen Area” and the Euro.

After that war, the United Nations was created, causing people to joke “I lived through two world wars but I do not think I can live through two world organizations.” Giuseppe Antonio Borgese of the University of Chicago actually wrote a book-length description of the coming world government and internationalism began riding high.

Two of the greatest triumphs of internationalism were the “Schengen Area” and the Euro.

The “Schengen Area” consists of twenty-six members of the European Union that have abandoned any kind of border controls among themselves (and in practice tiny countries surrounded by them). It became possible to get on a train or an airplane in Madrid or Rome and get off in Paris or Berlin without showing a passport or similar document to anyone.

Opposition to borders and economic sovereignty are the lynchpins of internationalism. The complete surrender to nationalism makes it impossible to take the internationalist dream seriously.

The Euro is the common currency of nineteen members of the European Union (the “Eurozone”) established and enforced by a series of treaties that sanction bullying of Eurozone countries that run large deficits, like Italy and Greece, by a European Union dominated by frugal countries like Germany and France.

The “Schengen Area” has become a complete fiction. Based upon the dangers posed by the coronavirus pandemic, the internal borders of the Schengen Area, until recently the easiest borders in the world to cross, have now become virtually impassable.

The death of internationalism will be a blessing for the whole world.

Also based upon the coronavirus pandemic the European Union has abandoned all financial controls over the Italian budget, endangering the ability of the Euro to maintain any stability.

Opposition to borders and economic sovereignty are the lynchpins of internationalism. The complete surrender to nationalism on this scale makes it impossible to take the internationalist dream seriously. The death of internationalism will be a blessing for the whole world.


Copyright @ 2025 by the Fitzgerald Griffin Foundation. All rights reserved. This article may be reprinted if credit is given to Charles G. Mills and

Charles G. Mills, author of The Confederate Lawyer, is the Judge Advocate Emeritus (general counsel) for the New York State American Legion. As a New York lawyer, he has been arguing cases for fifty years in federal courts and in all levels of the New York courts.

The original of John Trumbull’s painting, “Declaration of Independence,” hangs in the United States Capitol rotunda. The true-to-life oil painting, which is pictured on the back of the $2 bill, measures 12 by18 feet. Trumbull wished to include all 56 signers but painted just 42 as he was unable to find a likeness for 14 of them.

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