In most times and places of which history has some record, it has been
taken for granted that the duty of a good ruler is to govern in accordance
with the customs and morals — what we now call the “culture” — of
his people. Even the cruelest tyrants have usually been preoccupied
with nothing more than advancing their own personal interests and appetites.
They may violate the commonly accepted morality of their societies;
they may murder, torture, rape, and rob; but they seldom try to change
that morality. Breaking the rules is one thing; overthrowing the rules
is another matter altogether.
But in the twentieth century we witnessed the eruption of a new kind
of politics, whose goal was to “build a new society.” This
ambition went far beyond changing regimes (from monarchy to republic
or democracy, for example); it aspired to use the power of the state
to change the very fabric of social life.
Soviet Communism is one of the most spectacularly grim examples. The
atheistic Soviet state, from Lenin on, tried to extirpate religion,
abolish private property, and even revolutionize family relations.
The first two of these aims have gotten more attention than the third.
But it’s well worth recalling that the Soviet state, which of
course controlled all formal education, taught children that their
first loyalty was not to their parents but to the state itself. A major
street in Moscow was actually renamed in honor of a boy named Pavel
Morozov who had informed on his father; when the father was condemned
as a traitor, Pavel was killed by furious relatives. The regime treated
him as a martyr and model for all Soviet children.
Part of the Soviet agenda was sexual freedom, including abortion on
demand. Lenin held that sexual intercourse should be as casual as drinking
a glass of water, not because he valued freedom as such, but because
he wanted to separate sex from procreation and family ties. By establishing
this principle, family loyalties would be cheapened and weakened, reducing
every individual to nothing more than a unit of the state.
American collectivism, traveling under the banners of liberalism and
feminism, has been less audacious (and, fortunately, less powerful)
than the Soviet brand, but it has shared the ambition of “transforming” society
rather than supporting traditional institutions. It has progressively
legitimated divorce, adultery, fornication, contraception, homosexuality,
and abortion; moreover, it has exalted them as “rights,” condemning
ancient objections to them as benighted and, in fact, immoral. The “New
Morality” isn’t an option; it increasingly has the compulsory
force of law behind it. At bottom, it’s a campaign to destroy
Christian culture.
I have written before about the inconsistency of those who claim to
be “pro-choice, not pro-abortion.” I cited their indifference
to forced abortion in Communist China. This was demonstrated again
during President Clinton's visit to China, when his list of human rights
failed to include “reproductive freedom.” The point was
underlined when Mrs. Clinton, in her own syndicated column, wrote about
the chief concerns of Chinese women; she mentioned jobs, education,
and discrimination in the workplace, but not a word about the right
to have children.
Meanwhile, feminists have mounted a campaign to abolish the cruel
practice of female circumcision in parts of Africa and the Middle East.
Horrifying as this custom is to Westerners, it is deeply rooted in
local cultures, unlike the relatively recent forced-abortion policy
of the Chinese regime. Parents often perform it on their own daughters.
And it can hardly be more painful than being forced to undergo the
murder of a well-developed child in the womb.
So why the disparity of outrage among Western feminists? I think the
answer is that they regard the deprivation of sexual pleasure with
infinitely more shock and horror than the deprivation of parenthood.
The sexual revolution exalts the orgasm but despises the family and
the child. So the Chinese policy is in keeping with the feminist agenda;
the custom of female mutilation is not.
Chinese Communism has come to terms with capitalism, but it continues
to make war on cultural tradition. Its imposition of forced abortion
from above is not so different from the U.S. Supreme Court's imposition
of abortion on demand on all 50 states.
This column was originally published by Griffin Internet Syndicate
on October 21, 1999.
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