WASHINGTON, D.C. — Patrick J. Buchanan has been
fired by MSNBC. For years, the longtime author/columnist/commentator
had served as that network's lone conservative voice.
That Buchanan is liked and respected of such liberal colleagues at
the cable channel as Chris Mathews ("a smart guy" and "I
miss him already") and Rachel Maddow ("Uncle Pat") speaks
volumes of his charm and likeability, blending well with his straightforward,
unabashed, take-no-prisoners advocacy of the conservative cause.
Perhaps, but from whence comes the money angle? Answer: The well-funded
left-wing media machine had threatened to tarnish MSNBC's reputation
as "the liberal Fox" if the network retained Buchanan.
The real blacklist
The conservative pundit himself gets down to the guts of it:
"I know these blacklisters," he writes. They operate behind
closed doors, with phone calls, mailed threats, and off-the-record
meetings. They work in the dark because, as [1928 presidential candidate]
Al Smith said, nothing un-American can live in the sunlight."
Indeed. The pressure came from the likes of Color of Change, whose
prime mover is self-described communist Van Jones — former White
House "green jobs" czar; the George Soros money-fueled Media
Matters (about which, see below); and the Human Rights Campaign, ostensibly
existing simply to plead for the basic rights of gays, but (way beyond
that) a group that harasses Christian believers, sometimes resorting
to violence and boycotting businesses that hire people with whom the
group disagrees (including hourly-wage waitresses and movie projector
operators; these people deploy nothing short of the carpet-bomb strategy).
Blacklist anyone?
For decades, moviegoers and TV viewers have been inundated with scores
of dramas about the horrible "witch-hunts" on the part of
government investigations of communists and their sympathizers who've
aided and abetted a foreign movement whose design was the violent overthrow
of the U.S. government.
Ohhhhh! The horror of it all — that anyone would point out
that insurrectionists with a hate-America mindset were plotting our
downfall. The subversive propaganda vehicles included news and entertainment
media, as well as the brainwashing of our innocent, unsuspecting young
people (K-12 – higher ed).
But now, cash-infused groups of the establishment left scheme to
destroy not just Buchanan, but anyone whose love of country leads him
(or her) to speak up against those who seek to tear down its cherished
The plotters
Coincidence it is — or maybe not — that MSNBC's axe should
fall on Buchanan during the same week that Tucker Carlson's Daily
Caller made public the results of a thorough investigation
of Media Matters. That Soros beneficiary and its huge staff engage
24/7 in a focused crusade to pressure networks to fire any conservative
commentator. And not just commentators, but anyone employed by a conservative
outlet in any capacity. This column itself has dealt in the past with
this toxic mischief. (See, for example, this column The
real story of Glenn Beck's exit from Fox? – 7/11/11.)
Thus Carlson and his colleagues have exposed Media Matters' campaign
against the First Amendment. Liberals, it seems, are not satisfied
with control of roughly 80 percent of the media; they demand it all.
They know that Americans are on to them. The leftist point of view
cannot survive the light of day unless conservative voices are shut
out of all access to debate in the public square.
Media Matters
Media Matters, according to Carlson and Co., "has achieved more
influence simply by putting its talking points into the willing hands
of liberal journalists." (How is that for the "liberal media" as
caricatures of themselves? In moments of "hyperbole," conservatives
for decades have darkly suggested this type of covert connection was
routine. Now they find out there's actually a smoking gun verifying
exactly that supposed "conspiracy theory.")
Says one former Media Matters employee — when speaking of MSNBC — "We
were pretty much writing their prime time." Comment: No wonder
they wanted Buchanan out of there. He was messing up their nightly
party line.
In case you doubt that was precisely what was going on, "Media
Matters had the direct line of MSNBC president Phil Griffin, and used
it. Griffin took their calls." (You can't make this stuff up.)
Just to complete the circle here, this same Phil Griffin, in releasing
Buchanan, said of the latter's Suicide of a Superpower that its controversial
views should not "be part of the national dialogue, much less
part of the dialogue on MSNBC."
There you have it: You will confine your comments to our parameters
of debate or we will shut you up.
Media Matters intends to spend $20 million in 2012 to influence news
coverage, and "operates in coordination with the highest levels
of the White House," the Caller informs us.
Suicide of a Superpower
Let's review what Pat Buchanan actually wrote that caused all the
Here, in encapsulated form, are highlights of the case argued in
the latest Buchanan best-seller:
First to the subtitle: Will America survive
to 2025: His answer:
as a geographical entity, probably; as the America we have come to
know and love and as envisioned by our forefathers, doubtful. Italicized
below is a mix of exact Buchanan quotes and paraphrases (occasioned
by space limitations):
America has changed in our lifetimes. A de facto revolution has taken
place. That revolution gives short shrift to the traditional family,
which is categorized as but one option, and men can marry men and women
can marry women. Suddenly, we're told the last several centuries of
traditional marriage had it all wrong.
The feminist movement, with its mockery of marriage and demands for
unrestricted abortion, no-fault divorce, and gender preferences, was
a frontal assault on meritocracy and the traditional family.
Our secular entities believe in this revolution. The people never
did. Middle America detests it. Therefore, it must be imposed from
above by judges, bureaucrats, professors, and those who control the
content of our culture.
The secular fundamentalists are at war with the laws of human nature,
and are more in tune with the French Revolution based on Jacobinism
than with the freedom-inspired American Revolution.
Even Communist China — reluctantly bowing to reality — has
put Mao's revolution on the shelf and replaced it with state capitalism,
while not abandoning Mao's ultimate communist goal. What difference
does it make if a cat is black or white, Deng said, as long as it catches
The sixties anti-war movement was more than
a protest of Vietnam, but was at heart a rejection of an anti-communist
foreign policy and of the idea that America was a good country and
a beneficent force in the world. (Comment: And BTW, anyone following Buchanan's commentaries
over the years knows he is not a knee-jerk advocate of war, to say
the least.)
We can't allow the Nativity Scene on the National Mall, but we
must have a giant mosque near Ground Zero. Otherwise, you see, we
are "bigots."
Politically incorrect comments
Continuing with the thrust of the Buchanan book:
...The civil rights revolution of the sixties began with
a legitimate demand for equality of rights and an end to state
imposed segregation but became a vehicle for assailing America
as irredeemably racist.
...Same sex marriage has been rejected every time it has
been on a ballot. Even Obama has not endorsed it. And as
Congress and Obama impose the values of Fire Island on Parris
Island, he will feel the full force of the counter-revolution.
...There is a possibility of a total disintegration of
the nation into ethnic, class, and cultural enclaves distant
from and distrustful of one another. Either the Republican
Party puts an end to mass immigration or mass immigration
will put an end to the Republican Party. Obama's virtual
open borders policy with Mexico suggests the Democratic Party
is not unaware of the fate that will befall the Republican
Party if the illegals are put on a path to citizenship.
Issues deserve attention
As has been said many times, facts do not cease to exist merely because
they are ignored. It may not be polite to point out that White America
is calculated to be in the minority by about 2041. But is that prospect
not deserving of a national conversation?
The book's "Death of Christian America" may be a chapter
title of some controversy given that President Obama has rejected the "Christian
Nation" declaration applied by the Supreme Courts of the past
and by other leaders, including President Harry Truman. But why is
it out of bounds to suggest that we have this discussion as to who
we are (or are not)?
The Buchanan voice
Pat Buchanan, former speech writer for Presidents Nixon and Reagan,
has been highly controversial during his punditry and campaigns for
the presidency, sometimes even among conservatives (on some trade and
foreign-policy matters). Agree or disagree, the man is an insightful
His Suicide of a Superpower raises some important issues, strongly
suggesting the need for robust debate as this nation encounters a crucial
juncture. It is reasonable to forecast that — MSNBC notwithstanding — Patrick
J. Buchanan will not shut up. Neither will Middle America.
The Big Picture
Elucidator archives
Wes Vernon is a Washington-based writer whose broadcast career included
25 years with CBS Radio.
Copyright © 2012 by Wes Vernon and the Fitzgerald Griffin Foundation.
All rights reserved. A version of this article appeared at rewamerica.com.
See his biographical sketch and additional columns here.
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