GLEN COVE, NY — American liberals have enthusiastically
celebrated the passage of a law requiring the Armed Forces to recruit
homosexuals. The celebration in some cases (for example, Rachel Madow,
liberal host at MSNBC) is so excessive that one has to wonder if homosexuality
will replace abortion as the cardinal defining principle of contemporary
American liberalism. Even the Republican liberals joined on this issue.
Certainly, today’s liberals can consistently count on unity
in their ranks whenever they want to spend the people’s money
to pay doctors to kill unborn babies and pay sissies to fight our wars.
Liberals occasionally pay lip service to the idea that abortion is
tragic, but they consistently fund Planned Parenthood’s operation
of mass-production abortion mills. Does anybody really believe that
liberals contribute as much to the Boy Scouts of America as to Planned
Parenthood? After all, Planned Parenthood is the nation’s number
one baby killer; the Boy Scouts of America excludes homosexuals from
all role model positions.
It is not surprising that those who insist on abortion as the defining
issue of their politics would be ready to adopt homosexuality as its
replacement. Abortion and homosexuality are two radical rejections
of life.
The practice of contraception weakens the will. It is an anti-life
activity that requires far more deliberation than most single sinful
acts. Once one comes to believe that babies are not the natural consequence
of sex, it is a lot easier to see them as impediments to a licentious
sex life rather than as persons. Whatever the reason — and contrary
to liberal dogma — widespread contraception increases rather than
decreases the number of abortions.
Once liberals denied the intrinsic link between sex and procreation,
predictable consequences followed. America’s liberals embraced
artificial contraception as something to be publicized; publicly funded;
unimpeded by any legal, social, or moral restraints; and distributed
to children.
Not too long ago, homosexuality was considered to be a disordered
condition. Then in 1973, the American Psychiatric Association reclassified
it as a normal condition. This liberal triumph only proved one thing:
Thomas Szasz was right that psychiatry is not based on science. The
reclassification allowed liberals to brand as a quack anyone who continued
to try to treat homosexuality as a disorder. Furthermore, it gave a
pseudo-scientific basis for the liberals’ insistence that there
is nothing wrong with sodomy.
Sir William Blackstone, whose jurisprudence was the foundation of
early American law, viewed sodomy as one of the worst crimes a man
could commit. In my lifetime, sentences of 20 years for sodomy were
not uncommon. It is not surprising, however, that a liberal Supreme
Court, which protected nationwide mass killing of unborn babies, would
find a right to sodomy in its perverse jurisprudence.
Liberals embrace this perversion of jurisprudence — and demand
conformity to it. Anyone who opposes homosexual soldiers and homosexual
Scoutmasters is branded a “homophobe,” which is apparently
the moral equivalent of some kind of slave trader or Ku Klux Klan church
bomber. Anyone who wants to protect the life of the unborn is called
an enemy of the First Amendment and accused of wanting to set up a
national established church — and of creating a climate in which people
shoot abortionists.
The liberal phalanx continues to lead us into a brave new world in
which doctors kill our children and sissies fight our wars, and in
which no dissent — at least on these two issues — is tolerated.
The Confederate
Lawyer archives
The Confederate Lawyer column is copyright © 2011
by Charles G. Mills and the Fitzgerald Griffin Foundation,
All rights reserved.
Charles G. Mills is the Judge Advocate or general counsel for the
New York State American Legion. He has forty years of experience in
many trial and appellate courts and has published several articles
about the law.
See his biographical sketch and additional columns here.
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