GLEN COVE, NY — Many proponents of “renewable
energy” are
hypocrites who have no real interest in renewable energy.
About the time that the superiority of bronze and iron tools to stone
ones became apparent, man learned that he could harness the power of
the wind and flowing streams and rivers. Long before man discovered
that electricity could flow through a wire or that steam could turn
a wheel, his windmills and waterwheels produced power to serve his
needs, for example, powered millstones provided ground grains.
Wind power and water power should be attractive to environmentalists
as renewable sources of energy. They are not so, however, because the
secret goal of environmentalists is not renewable energy but the death
of the Industrial Age.
On the one hand, the proponents of renewable energy rarely list hydroelectric
power alongside of wind power, solar energy, and geothermal energy
in their propaganda. Instead, they constitute the cheerleading kick
line whenever another hydroelectric facility is dynamited in the hope
of returning a river to its imagined original course. On the other
hand, they have built so many unwarranted wind farms in the Northeast
that they have to shut them down to avoid overloading the electrical
grid adequately supplied by hydroelectricity.
Hydroelectricity is, in fact, a major source of the energy for the
United States as well as the world. The western frontier of New York
state and Ontario get most of their electricity from engineering marvels
of the Industrial Age that harness the power of Niagara Falls. The
tidal flow electricity generated by the Bay of Fundi is another marvel
of engineering that supplies electricity to other parts of Canada.
The United States was once proud of such great human achievements as
the Boulder Dam and the Hoover Dam.
Why do we build wind farms and blow up hydroelectric plants? Why
do people who want a simple water wheel in their back yard spend over
$100,000 seeking a permit, only to have it rejected? An obvious but
false answer is to protect wildlife and fish. This is a false answer
because the killing of birds by the latest high-technology windmills
is a far more widespread problem than the sucking of fish into the
Niagara intake gates. The true answer is that many environmentalists
are unable to grasp that the generation of electricity from water flow
is environmentally the same as the grinding of grain from a water wheel.
They love the inefficient generation of electricity from farms of
tall windmills, although these devices bear no resemblance to the classic
windmills of travel books. Moreover, the level of maintenance required
for a wind farm is high in relation to the electricity generated.
While solar energy can be useful, it is probably the least efficient
form to meet the demands of major projects.
The foes of hydroelectricity oppose nuclear-generated electricity
as well. Nuclear power plants are not fueled by strictly renewable
energy, but their fuel is much more durable than coal or petroleum.
Furthermore, the renewable energy fad has failed to adjust to recent
discoveries that the potential supply of petroleum is many times greater
than previously estimated.
Why, then, do people cling to the solar and wind fads? Perhaps deep
down they regret the replacement of stone tools with iron and bronze
ones. More likely, they regard nineteenth-century industrial inventions
as one giant set for Fritz Lang’s 1927 film, “Metropolis,” or
for the 1976 Bayreuth Festival production of Richard Wagner’s “Ring” Cycle.
The Confederate
Lawyer archives
The Confederate Lawyer column is copyright © 2012
by Charles G. Mills and the Fitzgerald Griffin Foundation,
All rights reserved.
Charles G. Mills is the Judge Advocate or general counsel for the
New York State American Legion. He has forty years of experience in
many trial and appellate courts and has published several articles
about the law.
See his biographical sketch and additional columns here.
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