FGF E-Package
Candid Comments
May 19, 2015

Craig Turner sent this letter to the citizens of Ireland today
as they ponder their vote in Friday's referendum.

Citizens of Ireland: Vote "No" on the Marriage Referendum
by Craig Turner
fitzgerald griffin foundation

WASHINGTON, D.C. — I write from the United States as a citizen whose ancestors came from the Emerald Isle. As much as I love my country, at times I am beside myself with grief because of the decisions made by our leaders.

This week Ireland will vote upon an issue that has vexed both the United States and Europe: same-sex “marriage.” While many Irish may believe that following the path already taken by some countries would be correct, the logic behind same-sex marriage is lacking.

For example, proponents of same-sex marriage have labeled those who adhere to traditional marriage as bigots and haters. They contend that prejudice fuels the resistance to marriage between those of the same gender. But is outlawing a particular form of marriage really prejudiced? If so, would outlawing polygamy be prejudiced? Are current laws outlawing the marriage between siblings hate-filled? Is banning the marriage between a father and son bigoted? We outlaw these forms of marriage not out of prejudice, but because nature tells us they are not in fact marriage. There is no prejudice or hate in making laws that restrict marriages to one man and one woman.


There is no prejudice or hate in making laws that restrict marriages to one man and one woman.


Many people would like individuals to make up their own minds about whom they marry. But society already makes rules about whom we can marry, such as laws banning polygamy and incestuous marriages. In fact, society must have rules about marriages, as reports surfacing from other countries attest.

In Iran, where the rules of marriage are much more permissive than ours (and polygamy is commonly practiced), pedophile marriages are common. The Iranian news site Tabnak estimates that 42,000 children ages 10 to 14 were married to adults in 2010, and another 75 children under the age of 10 were married just in Tehran that same year. These shocking numbers illustrate that it is not an individual’s right to marry whomever he or she wishes even when both parties are consenting.


Society already makes rules about whom we can marry, such as laws banning polygamy and incestuous marriages.  

Perhaps the most common reason given to promote same-sex marriage is the notion that “I was born this way.” Scientific research has never concluded that this proposition holds true, but even if were, could being “born this way” be enough to justify an action as legitimate?

Could a person who wishes to marry his sister and asserts convincingly that he was “born this way” have a valid argument? If a group of three people wish to get married and claim they were “born this way,” would they have a convincing case? Those who adhere to this line of thinking should ask the following question: if a person’s behavior can be justified by claiming they were “born this way,” what prevents society from permitting any behavior?


If a person’s behavior can be justified by claiming they were “born this way,” what prevents society from permitting any behavior?  

Furthermore, most people are unaware that of the estimated 9 million species living on our planet, not a single one engages in life-long same-sex attraction and cohabitation — what we would call same-sex marriage for the animal kingdom. The odds of this occurring randomly are astronomical. One should conclude that such extremely remote chances means nature itself has provided the answer we seek.

Marriage is a sacred institution that is more than 3,000 years old. Is it wise to change the institution that has been the bedrock of civilization for more than three millennia after a debate that has existed for less than a decade?

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About the Author
Craig Turner is a graduate of the English Honors program at the University of Texas and a former journalist who covered Capitol Hill. Since 1990, he has served as director of communications for three Washington, D.C. companies. His writing spans a wide variety of topics and styles, from news and feature stories to business publications. Mr. Turner is author of two books recently published by Saint Benedict Press: "Words of Faith" and " Words of Hope."

See his biographical sketch and additional columns here.

Candid Comments column is copyright © 2015 by Craig Turner and the Fitzgerald Griffin Foundation, www.fgfBooks.com. All rights reserved.

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