Western Civilization
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FGF Tribute
July 19, 2019
Mary Dougherty Janetatos, R.I.P.
– a reflection on her life
by Fran Griffin
President, Fitzgerald Griffin Foundation
Washington, D.C. — Mary Theresa Dougherty Janetatos, a lay Dominican, teacher, religious education instructor, staunch defender of the unborn, active member of the Angelic Warfare Confraternity, a founder, executive director and president of the North American Bluebird Society, and former president of Annunciation Academy, died on the feast of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, July 16, 2019.
Mary was involved for decades in Catholics United for Life which promotes the teachings of the Catholic Church on sexual morality, Christian marriage, and the sanctity of human life.
As a lay Dominican for 34 years, she served in many capacities in the Immaculate Conception chapter, which meets at the Dominican House of Studies in Washington, D.C., including a term as lay prioress/president. During that time, she supported and promoted a Dominican Circle led by Fr. Pierre Conway, O.P., to study Aristotelian and Thomistic concepts. They also discussed Fr. Conway’s “theory of everything,” as a counter to false notions prevalent in society. Mary arranged to have some of the classes videotaped.
Mary’s passion for the plight of bluebirds led her to the help found the North American Bluebird Society, which originally had its office in her home. She, along with the members of the organization, built bluebird houses (“nestboxes”), rescued bluebird eggs, and brought about a greater awareness of these beautiful creatures.
Mary’s vocation was that of a teacher and lay preacher. She earned a Masters degree in Theology from the Notre Dame Institute (now part of Christendom College). She worked as the Director of Religious Education at Our Lady of Lourdes in Bethesda, Maryland; and at St. Louis Catholic Church in Alexandria, Virginia.
In the 1990s, as the president of Annunciation Academy, which was run by headmaster, Vincent Terreri, a graduate of Thomas Aquinas College, she oversaw the classical curriculum a well as teaching classes.
Mary was a constant advocate of the truths and teachings of the Church, and of moral principles including not only defending life from the moment of conception until natural death, but also of chastity.
Mary was a staunch and vocal advocate of her Catholic faith. In the 1980s decades she founded a Washington, DC/Maryland affiliate of Catholics United for Life, which was established in 1974 by the St. Martin de Porres Lay Dominican Community in New Hope, Kentucky. The organization promotes the teachings of the Catholic Church on sexual morality, Christian marriage, and the sanctity of human life. Mary was an active sidewalk counselor for many years. Until the last few years, she never missed participating in the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C.
Her devotion to the Mother of Our Lord was strongly evident. She put herself under Our Lady’s care.
Mary was a constant advocate of the truths and teachings of the Church, and of moral principles including not only defending life from the moment of conception until natural death, but also of chastity. She was involved for years in the Angelic Warfare Confraternity, an apostolate of the Dominican Order in which members pledge to be chaste, wearing a blessed cord around their waists in imitation of their patron, St. Thomas Aquinas.
Mary Janetatos was passionate about teaching, passionate about the Catholic Church, passionate about the unborn, and passionate about her precious wild bluebirds.
Her devotion to the Mother of Our Lord was strongly evident. She put herself under Our Lady’s care. She took very seriously her Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary as described in St. Louis-Marie Montfort’s True Devotion to Mary. She often said that she called on Our Lady each day to direct and guide her.
She also had compassion for the plight of the Christians in the Holy Land. She singlehandedly took a Palestinian family under her wing, arranged for them to immigrate to the United States, and found housing for them.
Her entire life is a testament to her devotion to the truth and to elevating the culture.
Such an action epitomized Mary Janetatos. She was passionate about teaching, passionate about the Catholic Church, passionate about the unborn, and passionate about her precious wild bluebirds. Her entire life is a testament to her devotion to the truth and to elevating the culture.
Mary Theresa Dougherty was born in Freeland, Pennsylvania of Ann Catherine McGee and Anthony Joseph Dougherty. Ann Catherine died when Mary was young. Her father married Isabel Sweeney who helped him raise Mary and her two sisters, Martha and Ann Louise.
Eternal rest grant unto Mary Janetatos, O Lord. May perpetual light shine upon her. May she rest in peace. Amen.
Mary attended Misericordia University, a Catholic University in Dallas, PA, founded by the Sisters of Mercy. In 1956, Mary and her two sisters were married in a triple wedding on the same day at the Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland. Mary and her husband, Jack, lived in Annapolis, then in Newport, Rhode Island, Key West, Florida, Falls Church, Virginia, and in Rockville and Burtonsville, Maryland. Later she lived with her daughter in McLean, Virginia; in New Hope, Kentucky, with the St. Martin de Porres Lay Dominican Community; and finally at the home of the Little Sisters of the Poor in Washington, D.C. where she died surrounded by the loving Sisters and family.
Mary is survived by her three children, Kathleen, John Peter, and Ann, and six grandchildren. She died on a Marian feast, just weeks short of her 90th birthday.
The world has less light and energy without her.
Eternal rest grant unto Mary Janetatos, O Lord. May perpetual light shine upon her. May she rest in peace. Amen.