Western Civilization
and the great legacies of
Sam Francis and Joe Sobran
and their allies

Announcing our Latest Book: Harley Price’s Give Speech A Chance: Heretical Essays
on What You Can’t Say or Even Think
by Fran Griffin
President, Fitzgerald Griffin Foundation
(from the Foreword)
fgfBooks.com, November 12, 2021 — It is with great pleasure that FGF Books adds author Harley Price’s sensational anthology to our reservoir of exceptional books. Give Speech A Chance is a remarkable, timely and prescient collection of some of the best essays on our culture and society available today.
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There is a common thread in this book, which is summed up in the apt subtitle, Heretical Essays on What You Can’t Say or Even Think. As the author himself states, there is “an ever-expanding list of things you cannot say in this age of progressive ‘tolerance,’ and it begets the sort of self-censorship that has always been the norm in totalitarian regimes.”
As Canadian columnist Rory Leishman correctly notes, “No one can refute Price’s central thesis that our society is hovering on the brink of a totalitarian dictatorship where ‘non-progressive opinion’ — i.e., any criticism of homosexuality, transgenderism, or a woman’s ‘right to choose’ — is criminalized as ‘hate speech.’” It is noteworthy that Dr. Price wrote most of the essays in this anthology before the dictatorship of Covid occurred.
There is “an ever-expanding list of things you cannot say in this age of progressive ‘tolerance,’ and it begets the sort of self-censorship that has always been the norm in totalitarian regimes.” – Harley Price
Paul Tuns of The Interim adds his praise when he adeptly proclaims that Harley Price “inveighs against every intellectually fashionable trend with acuity and wit, delivering devastating blows to the pantheon of social justice and human rights: abortion, sexual promiscuity, transgenderism, atheism, anti-capitalism.”
Harley Price is a medieval scholar who has a multitude of insightful and brilliant observations on today’s world. Allan Carlson of The Natural Family maintains that Harley Price exhibits “a rare voice combining eminent learning, moral decency, and common sense.”
“No one can refute Price’s central thesis that our society is hovering on the brink of a totalitarian dictatorship where ‘non-progressive opinion’ is criminalized as ‘hate speech.’” — Rory Leishman.
Author Robert Reilly observes that he is “a classically educated, erudite man who reacts to our current moral and cultural catastrophes with scorn, sarcasm, and humor — essential ingredients to maintaining any semblance of sanity today.”
Author Brian Mitchell asserts, “Dr. Price has written a witty, erudite defense of commonsense enlightened by the wisdom of the ancients and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”
Christopher Check of Catholic Answers adds that Price “looks at the whole range of human experience through the only lens worth using — the Incarnation. It is for this very reason his brilliant prose style, delightful wit, and profound learning are put in the service of something much greater than himself: the Truth and bringing his readers to it.”
Historian Paul Gottfried “discovered ample evidence of Sobran’s special talents in Dr. Price’s argumentative verve, elegant self-expression, and defenses of Catholic moral teachings.”
As the conservator of the 40-year legacy of writer and author, Joseph Sobran (1946-2010), the Fitzgerald Griffin Foundation could not be more pleased that this new book is dedicated to him. Noting Sobran’s “satirical vivisections of the liberal ‘hive,’” which “will inspire conservatives for generations,” Dr. Price states in his dedication to his book that “none will approach” Sobran’s “brilliance, eloquence or wit.”
“Perhaps it is hard to imagine a more worthy successor” (to Joe Sobran). – Paul Gottfried
Historian and author Paul Gottfried, disagrees as he has “discovered ample evidence of Sobran’s special talents in Dr. Price’s argumentative verve, elegant self-expression, and defenses of Catholic moral teachings.” “Perhaps it is hard to imagine a more worthy successor” to Joe Sobran, Gottfried says.
In fact, this anthology is reminiscent of another volume published by FGF Books, Subtracting Christianity: Essays on American Culture and Society, by Joseph Sobran – a leading spokesmen on the war against Christian society and the culture of death – in which he unravels the perils of government intervention in our lives, the decline of the culture, and the abandonment of the United States Constitution. Subtracting Christianity and other books, are also available at fgfBooks.com.
We hope you will enjoy this dazzling collection of scintillating essays by the brilliant social and political commentator, Harley Price.
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