2016 Columns
The Man They Still Hate
by Joe Sobran
December 30, 2016
CLASSIC, December 2, 1999 -- The world has long since forgiven Julius Caesar. Nobody today finds Socrates or Cicero irritating. Few of us resent Alexander the Great or his tutor, Aristotle.
No, only one man in the ancient world is still hated after two millennia: Jesus Christ.
Resisting Jesus
by Joe Sobran
December 22, 2016
CLASSIC, 12/23/2004 -- As always in our time, Christmas is provoking dissent from people who don’t want Christian symbols on public property or Christmas carols sung in public schools.
Many Christians find this annoying and churlish. Some even feel that Christianity is being persecuted.
A Joe Sobran Christmas
by Christopher Manion
December 15, 2016
FRONT ROYAL, VA – -- When Al Matt asked me some ten years ago to take over Joe Sobran’s column in The Wanderer, I made it clear that, while I’d be honored to have my column appear in the same space, there was no way I could pretend to replace Joe Sobran. No one could replace Joe Sobran. And now you won’t have to: You can have the original in time to celebrate Christmas…
Eccentric Catholicism
by Joe Sobran
December 8, 2016
CLASSIC, May 29, 2009 -- Next to the peerless Tom Wolfe, perhaps the most brilliantly gifted living American writer is Garry Wills. Immensely learned and versatile, Wills has written award-winning books on many subjects, from Macbeth to the Gettysburg Address. Some of these suffer from a bit of illogic, though they are largely redeemed by his stylish and
scholarly prose.
What Should America Do with Hillary Clinton?
by by Charles G. Mills
December 2, 2016
GLEN COVE, NY – 12/2/16 -- The idea of Hillary Clinton on the chain gang or rock pile is attractive, but it is not good policy. We do not need to create a myth of the martyred Hillary Clinton.
One thing is certain and should have near unanimous approval. Hillary Clinton must not be allowed to practice law.
Hating Mother Teresa
by Joe Sobran
November 24, 2016
CLASSIC, October 1997 -- I’ve always resisted calling Mother Teresa a saint, not because I had any reason to doubt her holiness, but because I felt it was
presumptuous to call any living person a saint. Besides, I suspect
that a truly holy person -- holiness being inseparable from humility -- would hate being venerated in this life.
The Trump Doctrine: America First
by Patrick J. Buchanan
November 17, 2016
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- However Donald Trump came upon the foreign policy views he espoused, they were as crucial to his election as his views on trade and the border.
Yet those views are hemlock to the GOP foreign policy elite and the liberal Democratic interventionists of the Acela Corridor.
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Boldly Enact Campaign Promises: Memo to Trump
by Patrick J. Buchanan
November 11, 2016
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- "In victory, magnanimity!" said Winston Churchill.
Donald Trump should be magnanimous and gracious toward those whom he defeated this week, but his first duty is to keep faith with those who put their faith in him.
The protests, riots and violence that have attended his triumph in city after city should only serve
to steel his resolve. Read More
News Conference Announcing second edition of Joe Sobran’s Hustler: The Clinton Legacy:
November 4, 2016
Sen. Dick Black Decries Potential “Co-Presidency” of Clintons
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Richard Black of Virginia said at a news conference in Washington that if Hillary Clinton wins the election, that our country will “enter the age of Caligua, an age of debauchery and murder, of war, and of stunning financial corruption.” Sen. Black made his remarks during a press conference at the National Press Club announcing the newly-published edition of Hustler: The Clinton Legacy by Joseph Sobran.
Watch Sen. Black’s speech at the news conference on YouTube Read More
Billary: Two for the Price of One -- A Look at the Legacy of the Clintons
by Fr. Peter M. J. Stravinskas
October 31, 2016
A review of Hustler: The Clinton Legacy, a collection of essays by Joseph Sobran
Special from LewRockwell.com, October 31, 2016 -- Twice in six months I find myself reviewing works by my dear old friend Joe Sobran. This time around, the Fitzgerald Griffin Foundation has treated us to an anthology of Joe’s essays on Bill Clinton during his two terms in the White House. What strikes the reader immediately is the incisive analysis: Joe cuts to the chase; while being spot-on, he never descends into boorishness or uncivilized prose, which he would have deemed unworthy of a Christian gentleman.
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Our Debt to Paula Jones
by Joe Sobran
October 28, 2016

CLASSIC: January 22, 1998 — Suddenly nobody is questioning Paula Jones's veracity anymore. Mrs. Jones told a simple story and has stuck with
it, while the president has shifted ground, equivocated with his patented "carefully worded denials," and let his thuggish, blundering, and very
expensive lawyer handle public relations.
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Why Socialism is Still Popular
by Jon Basil Utley
September 30, 2016
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Why is socialism still so popular? A superb conference at Cato recently
addressed the issue with new insights and reasoning. Socialism should be discredited in this age of incredible abundance and progress: hunger has
declined from 30 percent of the world's population to some 10 percent, yet with billions more mouths to feed.
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The Defection of David Brock
by Joe Sobran
September 22, 2016

CLASSIC: March 10, 1998 — David Brock has become the first journalist to confess his participation in the vast right-wing conspiracy to
get President Clinton. Actually, he confessed it last year, but nobody was listening.
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Phyllis Schlafly: An Anti-War Conservative who Supported Goldwater, Reagan, and Trump
by Jon Basil Utley
September 7, 2016

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Phyllis Schlafly was a giant of the conservative movement. And she opposed America's recent wars. An early fighter,
who started up with opposition to the Equal Rights Amendment to the constitution, died at 92 years old.
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The Times are Out of Joint
A review of Subtracting Christianity: Essays on American Culture and Society,
a collection of essays by the late Joseph Sobran
by Robert Royal
August 29, 2016
Special from The Catholic Thing — Two quite intelligent women came by independent of one another this week, one an accomplished hospital
nurse who specialized in exotic diseases, the other a longtime educational specialist with wide artistic interests. Very different personalities,
but eerily alike in expressing, without provocation, their deep distress at "not understanding anything" anymore. Not understanding America or the
president, the Church or the pope, the world and its seeming descent into a cultural wasteland and social chaos.
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Two Cheers for Theocracy
by Joe Sobran
August 25, 2016
SOBRAN'S THE REAL NEWS OF THE MONTH, February 1999 — I grew up in a theocracy. I didn’t
realize it as a boy; in fact I never heard it described that way. The only reason I now know it was a theocracy is that people who want to
restore the America of the Fifties — anti-abortion Catholics, the “Christian Right” — are accused of wanting to
establish a theocracy.
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The Wit and Wisdom of a “Most Gloriously Judgmental” Man
A review of Subtracting Christianity: Essays on American Culture and Society,
a collection of essays by the late Joseph Sobran
by Fr. Peter M. J. Stravinskas
August 17, 2016

Special from The Catholic World Report — In 1980, as a priest not yet thirty years of age, I found myself placed in charge of developing local chapters of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights on the entire eastern seaboard.
Those were heady days with Pope John Paul II truly coming into his own and determined to correct course for the Catholic Church and President Ronald Reagan seeking to do the same for the United States and, by extension, for the world.
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Clinton's Gut Issue
by Joe Sobran
August 11, 2016
CLASSIC: November 18, 1997 — There is no popular demand for war with Iraq or anyone else, and President Clinton knows it. The pressure for war is coming
from the usual quarters: those who, for various reasons, want the United States to dominate the Middle East.
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by Joe Sobran
August 4, 2016
CLASSIC: April 8, 1999 — As he ordered the bombing of Kosovo, Bill Clinton assured the nation that he has been “reading up on the history of that area.” That’s a
load off! The great war-time presidents have always realized that before you bomb a country, you should read up on it.
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The Flying Clintons
by Joe Sobran
July 27, 2016

CLASSIC: July 1996 — I keep catching myself hoping that Bill Clinton will be reelected. It isn't just that Bob Dole richly deserves to
lose; it's that mere electoral defeat would be an inadequate comeuppance for the Clintons. They are headed for their own Watergate, and
it would be a pity to see the drama aborted. I'm only moderately vindictive: I want them hounded out of office, not hounded after they've already left.
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The Selfless President
by Joe Sobran
July 21, 2016
Ever the moral ham, Clinton continues to feign contrition, laying it
on a little thicker with each attempt. Every time he sheds his skin,
he wants us to believe he’s no longer a snake.
CLASSIC: January 21, 1996 — Bill Clinton is a New Democrat again. Having tarred the Republicans as extremists, he is filching their themes, thereby
displaying one of his defining qualities: an utter incapacity for embarrassment.
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Diane Speaks His Piece
by Joe Sobran
July 13, 2016
CLASSIC: October 19, 2004 — I have no idea who “Diane” is, but his e-mail message sounds angry with me. In fact, Diane says he is “deeply offended” by the “pure bigotry” of my column of September 21, “Equality Run Amok,” which he finds “demeaning.”
You may think Diane is an odd name for a guy, but that’s Diane’s point. He claims to be a woman, “simply a woman,” and identifies himself, in case you haven’t already guessed, as a “transsexual.”
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June 15, 2016
Paul Craig Roberts questions where the evidence is in the latest massacre. See: Orlando Shooting
June 15, 2016
Should Muslims be vetted before being allowed in the U.S.? Robert Hale disapproves of the criticism of this proposal in When Being Nice is Stupid
June 15, 2016
Patrick Buchanan urges Trump to stay true to his foreign policy message in Hillary Rejects ‘America First’
June 15, 2016
Mary Ann Kreitzer looks at a dangerous ape affecting our lives in The Gorilla in the Living Room
June 14, 2016
Robert Wright draws on the wisdom of Joe Sobran in Envy and the Road to Ruin
June 14, 2016
Wes Vernon reminds readers of the ongoing scandals surrounding Bill and Hillary in The Enduring Clinton Soap Opera: Unsettled Questions about Vince Foster's Death
June 9, 2016
Patrick Buchanan says it is sensible to question the religious, racial & ethnic background of a judge. See: The Donald and The La Raza Judge
June 2, 2016
Joe Sobran writes on Educating for Damnation
May 26, 2016
Joe Sobran writes on the judicial “discovery” of a constitutional right to same-sex marriage in Sodomites All
May 19, 2016
Robert Hale is grateful that Trump is not an ideologue See: Conservatives, Liberals, and Trump
May 12, 2016
Charles Mills provides an historical account of the U.S. banking system in Making and Destroying Money
May 5, 2016
Fr. C. John McCloskey reviews the new book, Subtracting Christianity in Sobran Will Be Recognized as a Prophet
April 28, 2016
Hillary Clinton has called for more intrusive police and security measures if she becomes president. See: Is This A Woman with a Plan?
April 19, 2016
Joe Sobran discusses the life of Edward de Vere, the 17th Earl of Oxford, in Happy Birthday, “Shakespeare”!
April 14, 2016
Robert Hale provides an analysis of Islam's worldwide goals in Failing to Understand Islam Could be the West's Final Failure
April 7, 2016
Robert Hale shows how the Supreme Court rulings are ruining America in “SCOTUS”: An Acronym Likely To Go Down in Infamy
March 30, 2016
Charles Mills looks at the legacy of Mother Angelica in Unsophisticated Poor Clare Nun Founded International Network on Faith
March 23, 2016
Joe Sobran recounts that other religions cannot compare to Christianity in Happy Easter!
March 17, 2016
Pat Buchanan discusses the orchestrated protest at the Trump rally in Chicago in Brownshirts & Republican Wimps
March 11, 2016
Allan Brownfeld explains how free speech is non-existent on today’s college campuses in Colleges Are All for Diversity – Except When It Comes to Ideas
March 3, 2016
Joe Sobran on Trojan War in Bad News from Troy
February 23, 2016
On what would have been Joe Sobran’s 70th birthday, his publisher, Fran Griffin, shares her review: Subtracting Christianity: Sobran’s invaluable work on religion in America
February 18, 2016
Michael Cook of MercatorNet gives us some acerbic comments of Antonia Scalia in Justice Scalia on Culture Wars and Same-Sex Marriage
February 10, 2016
It is unexplainable for life to come to being and continue to exist for years, writes Fred Reed in The Miracle of a Baby's Growth to Manhood
February 4, 2016
Our rulers are not rational, let alone impartial and benevolent, says Joe Sobran in a classic column Free Will and Freedom
January 29, 2016
Pat Buchanan says that FGF columnist Sam Francis was right. See Sam Francis Predicted a Trump-like Populism
January 22, 2016
Joe Sobran discusses the taboo on calling abortion what it really is in None Dare Call It “Killing”
January 14, 2016
Joe Sobran compares the pro-abortion movement to the pro-war movement in War and Moral Novelty
January 7, 2016
Joe Sobran examines St. Paul’s admonition to obey our rulers in The Powers That Be