Samuel T. Francis Samuel T. Francis

Western Civilization
and the great legacies of
Sam Francis and Joe Sobran
and their allies

Joseph Sobran Joseph Sobran


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Hustler: The Clinton Legacy

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Subtracting Christianity:
Essays on American Culture and Society

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Leviathan and Its Enemies

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Read the classic 32,000-word essay by Joe Sobran,
Pensées: Notes for the Reactionary of Tomorrow,
published originally in 1985 in National Review.
VISIT THE SAM FRANCIS ARCHIVE! 500+ columns with a searchable feature, courtesy of Ron Unz

August 19, 2024
Should biological males be allowed to be on women’s sports teams? See: FGF Enters Transgenderism Battle

March 8, 2024
Willa Ann Johnson, R.I.P., Reaganite, Sobran friend, conservative luminary by Fran Griffin

September 6, 2023
Fran Griffin’s obit of Susan Neff: A humble, kind, and gracious soul returns to her Maker

February 27, 2023
Harley Price’s speech at the launching of his book, Give Speech A Chance: Appreciating Joe Sobran, and the Virtue of Gratitude in General

February 21, 2023
Read a brilliant column by Samuel Francis: “What if Strom Thurmond (or Goldwater) Had been Elected President”

December 23, 2022
Fr. Mark Pilon examines the powerful effect of the miracle of Christ’s birth. See: The Transforming Miracle of Christmas

November 12, 2022
Anne Edwards, wife of Lee Edwards, has passed away.

September 17, 2022
“A New Defense of Reason” by Charles G. Mills.

September 12, 2022
“A dazzling collection of mordant essays on the aberrant Zeitgeist”. A book review by Paul Gottfried of Give Speech A Chance

September 6, 2022
See “Gnosticism, American Style”, a book review of Give Speech A Chance by Bartholomew de la Torre, O.P.

July 30, 2022
Speakers at Give Speech A Chance book launching to discuss Joe Sobran, the “woke enemy” and a “cis-gender barbarian.”

June 13, 2022
Fitzgerald Griffin Foundation petitions Supreme Court to end the vaccine mandate for healthcare professionals.

May 30, 2022
Read Harley Price’s speech, Today’s Aberrant Sexual Politics, in the Light of the Sexual Revolution of the 1960s, in the Light of Revolutions in General

February 23, 2022
The New Oxford Review publishes What Would Joe Sobran Say? by Peter Maurice

October 7, 2021
Fran Griffin’s remembrances of her editor and friend. Ronald N. Neff : Renaissance Man, Devout Catholic, and My Friend

April 12, 2021
A passionate crusader for Christ and staunch defender of the unborn has died. Kristin Kazyak: Warrior for Christ

February 23, 2021
Sobran uses the analogy of a beehive to describe how progressives edge toward the socialist model of an egalitarian centralized state. The Hive

December 25, 2020
The Christ Child is still rejected and threatening to many. Resisting Jesus

October 7, 2020
Joe Sobran examines when life begins as a religious question in On Imposing One’s Views

September 30, 2020
Joe Sobran discusses why the world hates the Church in The Catholic Position

September 3, 2020
Joe Sobran discusses Christopher Hitchens’ violent invective against the nun of Calcutta in Hating Mother Teresa

April 29, 2020
Tom Piatak scrutinizes a First Things article on Sam Francis. See: A Giant Beset by Pygmies

April 27, 2020
Fr. Jerry Pokorsky reflects on the cessation of church services in Religion: A Non-Essential Service? Failure to guard Religious Liberty during the Pandemic

April 15, 2020
Harley Price extolls the beauty of medieval churches in One Year Later: The Fire at Notre Dame: Eastertide Reflections

April 10, 2020
Fr. Mark Pilon opines on the reason for Our Lord’s suffering in Behold the Man, Behold Man

April 8, 2020
Charles Mills looks at The Coronavirus, the Constitution, and Natural Law

April 3, 2020
Harley Price from Toronto writes on: Psychic Pandemic: A Contrarian View of the Coronavirus Response

March 30, 2020
Charles Mills finds a blessing in the coronavirus. See: The End of Internationalism

March 29, 2020
Allan Brownfeld writes: Jon Utley Learned History’s Lessons and was a Gracious Friend

March 13, 2020
Charles Mills discusses a Supreme Court case on abortuaries and abortionists in The Schumer Threat

February 23, 2020
Joe Sobran grapples with the legitimacy of government in The State and Heresy

February 14, 2020
See Mark Wegierski’s St. Valentine’s Day: Seeking balance in love and romance

January 22, 2020
On the 47th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, Joseph Sobran examines pro-abortion polemics in Crucial Issue Politics

January 20, 2020
Charles Mills explains why Leaving Iraq is our best option.

January 17, 2020
Patrick Buchanan sees Bernie Sanders benefiting the most from the execution of Soleimani. See: Could an Unintended Consequence of the Execution of Soleimani be President Bernie Sanders?

Decmber 30, 2019
Joe Sobran describes the modern world’s brutal martyrdom of Christians in The Real News of the 20th Century

Decmber 23, 2019
Joe Sobran asks Can God Speak to Us?

Decmber 21, 2019
Ann Coulter pinpoints the reason for the President’s impeachment in Article I: Remove This Beast from My Sight!

September 19, 2019
Charles Mills describes the folly of our recent wars in Syria, Afghanistan, Libya and Iraq in Wars of Regime Change

September 4, 2019
Msgr. Charles Pope expounds on The Reality of Satan

August 16, 2019
Charles Mills clarifies that the Second Amendment guarantees the right of those citizens capable of warfare to carry their own weapons of war for the defense of liberty. The Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms

July 19, 2019
Fran Griffin reflects on the life of a Catholic teacher and lay preacher in Mary Dougherty Janetatos, R.I.P

July 4, 2019
Charles Mills describes the Declaration of Independence and the events leading up to Independence Day in Happy Birthday, America!

July 1, 2019
Mark Wegierski describes the origins and development of Canada in Canada Day

June 28, 2019
Joe Sobran shares fond reminiscences of the life of Philip Nicolaides in Good Night, Sweet Prince

June 19, 2019
Charles Mills describes a Christian country that is pro-children in Will Hungary Save the West?

May 29, 2019
Msgr. Charles Pope quotes Joe Sobran’s thoughts on why the world hates Our Lord. See: Sobran examines hatred of Christ: Disbelievers can be His best witnesses

May 3, 2019
Charles Mills bemoans the removal of Jefferson Davis’s name and memory in President Jefferson Davis: Mistreatment continues of a war hero and devoted public servant

April 19, 2019
Will it be rebuilt in the spirit of an Age of Faith or in the cynicism of the Republic of France? Charles Mills opines on the restoration of Notre Dame de Paris.

March 22, 2019
Robert Hale examines the outrageous proposals of the Green New Deal in The Obama Legacy

February 28, 2019
Charles Mills warns that the amount needed to finance health care for everyone would be approximately equal to the entire federal budget. See Medicare for No One

February 25, 2019
Should the 40-foot Bladensburg Peace Cross be torn down? FGF Files Brief Against American Humanist Association

February 23, 2019
On the 73rd anniversary of his birth, Joe Sobran writes about Pedophilia and Hypocrisy

February 8, 2019
Joe Sobran looks at The Value-Free Society

January 24, 2019
Fran Griffin, president of FGF, invites you to An Evening of Viennese Waltzing   on February 16, 2019

December 31, 2018
It's New Year's Eve: Will you help FGF expand our publishing of forthright authors?

December 28, 2018
Jon Utley looks at How the Gulf War Gave Us the Antiwar Right

December 25, 2018
Charles Mills on the gift of the Child born to die for our sins: “Bah, Humbug” dishonors our Redemption by Christ

December 25, 2018
Joe Sobran looks at the spiritually demanding and powerful words of Christ in The Man They Still Hate

December 7, 2018
Charles Mills discusses Public Hanging vs. Lynching: The Defamation of Senator Hyde-Smith

November 30, 2018
May a State restrict abortions for sex selection, Down Syndrome, and the color of the baby? FGF Files Brief Against Planned Parenthood

November 16, 2018
Charles Mills reviews 50 years of Supreme Court nominations in Lynch Mobs in the Senate

October 2, 2018
Patrick Buchanan: Kavanaugh Lynching: Dress Rehearsal for Trump Impeachment

September 24, 2018
Charles Mills examines freedom of religion – and persecution -- in High Court Pick Will Impact Religious Liberty

September 11, 2018
Samuel Francis recounts (in 2001) reasons given for the September 11 strike in Bill Clinton blamed U.S. mistreatment of Indians and slavery for 9/11 Attack

September 4, 2018
Mark Wegierski describes the left-liberal transformation of Canada in Trump’s America vs. Trudeau’s Canada

August 31, 2018
Patrick Buchanan details McCain’s Legacy of Interventionist Foreign Policy

August 10, 2018
Joe Sobran discusses the fact that presidents often lie to us – and are praised for it. See: The Apotheosis of the Lie

June 26, 2018
Joe Sobran writes on abortion. See On Imposing One's Views

June 19, 2018
Joe Sobran’s classic column Calling All Grown Ups

June 12, 2018
Joe Sobran reminisces on the Gipper in Looking Back at Reagan

June 7, 2018
Joe Sobran scrutinizes former popular talk show host, Phil Donahue, in Acute Philophilia

May 30, 2018
Faith Ryan Whittlesey, a friend of Joe Sobran, passed away on May 21. Faith Ryan Whittlesey, R.I.P.

May 11, 2018
Jon Utley, publisher of The American Conservative, details decades of Clever Lies to Promote War

April 20, 2018
Syria: Trump’s Vietnam? by Patrick J. Buchanan

April 13, 2018
Charles Mills looks at the federalization of police power in Not J. Edgar Hoover's FBI

April 5, 2018
Allan Brownfeld questions the President’s choice for the new National Security Advisor in John Bolton: An Oxymoron for President Trump?

Easter, 2018
Fr. Mark Pilon describes the joy one can have with a living faith in the Resurrection and the Eucharist in The Risen Christ walks with us

March 23, 2018
Joe Sobran takes apart the American Civil Liberties Union in Mavericks in Lockstep

March 16, 2018
Paul Gottfried ponders the changing views of the conservative establishment in Is Feminism Conservative?

March 8, 2018
Charles Mills reviews the history of tariffs in The Trump Tariffs

March 2, 2018
Charles Mills contrasts the U.S.S.R. with today’s non-Communist country in Russia is Not the Soviet Union

February 23, 2018
Joe Sobran discusses the isolation and ostracism he faced for standing by his principles in You Can’t Mean It!

February 15, 2018
Joe Sobran (in 1980) looks at the dirty secret of liberals, the Communist war on religion, in Unbelievers

February 9, 2018
What on Earth Is the United States Doing in Darkest Africa? asks Charles Mills

January 29, 2018
Joe Sobran reviews Thomas Molnar’s 1979 book, Christian Humanism, in Piety for the Future

January 19, 2018
Joe Sobran writes about the Iron Curtain eight years before it was torn down. See: Writing on the Wall

January 12, 2018
Joe Sobran looks at the language of progressives in Journalism v. Conservatism

January 1, 2018
Joe Sobran marvels at the genius of Christ in The Incomparable One

December 25, 2017
Joe Sobran pays tribute to the Blessed Virgin in Give Me that Old-Time Unitarianism

December 15, 2017
Joe Sobran examines the strong opposition to Christ in Resisting Jesus

December 1, 2017
Electing a GOP Senator is critical to future of our country. See Pat Buchanan’s colum Why Roy Moore Matters

November 10, 2017
Pat Buchanan sees a ray of hope in the culture war. See: The 10 Commandments Judge: Roy Moore

September 30, 2017
Ann Coulter's obituary of Joe Sobran on the seventh anniversary of his death: Not Your Average Joe

September 14, 2017
Joe Sobran looks at those who charge the Church with being anti-Semitic in The Cross and the Swastika

September 8, 2017
Pat Buchanan questions what makes us one nation and one people in Disintegrating America

September 1, 2017
Robert Hale describes a Member of Congress as a product of the ‘70s Love Generation in Dianne “Ms. Snowflake” Feinstein

August 25, 2017
Robert Hale examines the violence upon reason, logic, and rational discourse that resulted from the episode in Charlottesville in Where Have All the Statesmen Gone?

August 17, 2017
Patrick Buchanan laments that we are Erasing Our History

August 11, 2017
In a classic column from 2003, Joe Sobran asks the question Is the Pope Square?

August 4, 2017
Joe Sobran looks at civil religion, religious tolerance, hedonism, and spiritual sloth in Violent Religions

July 27, 2017
The great papal document on contraception and the family is discussed in Humanae Vitae Foresaw the Culture of Death in 1968

July 20, 2017
Joe Sobran discovered something that Darwinists and atheists can’t explain. See My Cane

July 14, 2017
Joe Sobran recounts Hilaire Belloc’s prediction that Islam would challenge the West in Belloc’s Prophecy

July 06, 2017
Patrick Buchanan’s 4th of July column: Are We Still One Nation Under God?

June 30, 2017
Joe Sobran laments the penetration of the State into every aspect of human life and society in Buzz Lightyear for President

June 22, 2017
Patrick Buchanan’s column: A Long History of Leftist Hatred

June 15, 2017
Patrick Buchanan examines the effort of the Deep State and big media to bring down the president in Deep State Sabotaging Trump Agenda

June 8, 2017
Joe Sobran makes clear distinctions in two words that are often interchanged. See Patriotism or Nationalism?

May 29, 2017
Patrick Buchanan, whose great-grandfather fought in the Civil War, questions Dishonoring Confederate War Dead

May 25, 2017
Robert Hale discusses a potential revolution against tyranny in Trump and Brexit: a Revolt Against the Elites

May 18, 2017
Pat Buchanan shows that Nixon’s Saturday Night Massacre doesn’t compare to the firing of the FBI director. See Trump, Watergate, & Comey

May 12, 2017
Patrick Buchanan laments the eradication of Christianity in its cradle. See Christians Being Driven Out of the Holy Land

May 3, 2017
Joe Sobran poignantly examines forgiveness in Crime and Mercy

April 26, 2017
Sam Francis bemoans the apologies for the medieval Holy Land crusades in Guilt Trip Over the Crusades

April 19, 2017
Joe Sobran laments the ignorance of otherwise educated people about religion in Christianity and History

April 13, 2017
Jason Jewell reviews a collection of Sobran’s writings in Thoughts on a New Dark Age: A review of the Sobran collection, Subtracting Christianity

March 30, 2017
Robert Hale compares the U.S.’ 40+ year war on drugs with the war on drugs being waged by President Duterte in Philippines’ President Wages A Real War on Drugs

March 23, 2017
Ann Coulter looks at the liberals' hatred of Putin in Let's Make Russia Our Sister Country

March 16, 2017
Allan Brownfeld discusses the cancellation of Charles Murray’s lecture in Violent Attack on Free Speech at Middlebury College

March 7, 2017
Yvonne Lorenzo reviews a collection of Sobran’s writings in Sober Wisdom in Sobran’s Subtracting Christianity

February 22, 2017
Joe Sobran's 2008 column discusses the deification of Abraham Lincoln. See Lincoln and His Legacy

February 3, 2017
Patrick Buchanan analyzes the hysterical reaction to Trump’s Travel Ban

January 27, 2017
Patrick Buchanan critiques President Trump's inaugural speech in Trump's Inaugural: America For Americans!

January 18, 2017
Joe Sobran's 2003 column looks at Andrew Sullivan, "gay" Catholics, and moral law. See: Sacraments and Sodomy

January 12, 2017
Joe Sobran's 1996 column defines the goals of wedlock in a healthy society. See: Love and Marriage

January 06, 2017
A prominent black conservative is ending his syndicated column after 25 years. See Allan Brownfeld’s Black Economist Thomas Sowell -- Champion of A Color-Blind Society

December 30, 2016
Joe Sobran looks at the spiritually demanding and powerful words of Christ in The Man They Still Hate

December 22, 2016
Christ is inseparable from Christmas. See Joe Sobran's Resisting Jesus

December 15, 2016
Christopher Manion reviews the latest Sobran anthologies in A Joe Sobran Christmas

December 08, 2016
Joe Sobran looks at Garry Wills’ assault on the Catholic Church in Eccentric Catholicism

December 02, 2016
Charles Mills examines just options for the former First Lady in What Should America Do with Hillary Clinton?

November 24, 2016
Joe Sobran looks at the life of a holy nun in Hating Mother Teresa

November 17, 2016
Patrick Buchanan says that our president-elect will be able to reconfigure U.S. foreign policy. See: The Trump Doctrine: America First

November 11, 2016
Patrick Buchanan advises urgent action to the president-elect. See: Boldly Enact Campaign Pledges

November 04, 2016
A News Conference on Hustler: The Clinton Legacy at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C.

October 31, 2016
Fr. Peter M.J. Stravinskas reviews Hustler: The Clinton Legacy in
Billary: Two for the Price of One

October 28, 2016
Joe Sobran illustrates Bill Clinton's readiness to abuse power for sleazy purposes in
Our Debt to Paula Jones

September 30, 2016
Jon Utley delves into the nature of socialism and capitalism in
Why Socialism is Still Popular

September 22, 2016
Joe Sobran looks at an ex-member of the “vast right wing conspiracy” in
The Defection of David Brock

September 7, 2016
Jon Utley extols the Sweetheart
of the Silent Majority
Phyllis Schlafly: An Anti-War Conservative who Supported Goldwater, Reagan, and Trump

August 29, 2016
Robert Royal reviews the Sobran collection, Subtracting Christianity at The Catholic Thing in
The Times are Out of Joint

August 25, 2016
Joe Sobran examines theocracy and the separation of church and state in Two Cheers for Theocracy

August 17, 2016
Rev. Peter Stravinskas reviews the latest Sobran collection, Subtracting Christianity in The Wit and Wisdom of a “Most Gloriously Judgmental” Man

August 11, 2016
Joe Sobran's 1997 column could have been written today with a slight update. See Clinton's Gut Issue

August 4, 2016
Joe Sobran opines why Bill Clinton ordered the bombing of Kosovo in 1999 in a classic column,

July 27, 2016
In 1996, scandal-ridden Bill and Hillary were embroiled in Filegate, Travelgate, and the Whitewater investigation.
See Joe Sobran's column,
The Flying Clintons

July 21, 2016
Joe Sobran examines the
character of our 42nd president

in The Selfless President

July 13, 2016
Joe Sobran tries to argue common sense with a transsexual
in Diane Speaks His Piece

Chuck Baldwin Live

Bill Borst's “The Gospel Truth”

Pat Buchanan

Ann Coulter

Anita Crane

Barbara Hollingsworth

Fr. John McCloskey

Morality & Politics

Steven Mosher's Blog
(Population Research Institute)

Paul Craig Roberts

Third Order of St. Dominic

Wes Vernon

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Welcome to the
Fitzgerald Griffin Foundation

The Fitzgerald Griffin Foundation and its publishing imprint, FGF Books, seeks to inform and educate leaders and the public on the need to safeguard and defend the basic elements of Western Civilization and its chief foundation, Christianity. We do this, in part, by publishing columns and books of great paleoconservative writers such as Joseph Sobran, Samuel T. Francis, Harley Price, and other columnists, essayists and authors. See About Us for more information.

FGF Enters Transgenderism Battle: A Petition for Assistance
by Fran Griffin
August 19
, 2024

FGF Books, 8/19/24 — Should biological males be allowed to be on women’s sports teams?

Transgenderism was on prominent display at the recent Olympics. It is the view of FGF that women’s sports teams should be comprised of biological women, which oddly has become a controversial stance.

Over the next few weeks, FGF is participating in the preparation and filing of seven amicus briefs in seven separate cases involving transgenderism being presented to the Supreme Court The first two cases are Bradley Little, Governor of Idaho, et al v. Lindsay Hecox, et al; and the State of West Virginia v. B.P.J., by Next Friend and Mother, Heather Jackson.


Willa Ann Johnson, R.I.P., Reaganite, Sobran friend, conservative luminary
by Fran Griffin
March 8
, 2024

Willa Ann Johnson FGF Books, 3/8/24 — Willa Ann Johnson, a lifelong principled conservative activist, a key member of the Reagan Revolution, an ardent pro-life Catholic, and a good friend of both Joe Sobran and Samuel T. Francis, went to her eternal reward on February 25. She was 81 years old.


Susan Neff, R.I.P.:
A humble, kind, and gracious soul returns to her Maker

by Fran Griffin
September 6
, 2023

Sue in her 20s FGF Books, 9/6/23 — My friend, Susan Allen Neff, age 76, died peacefully on August 29, 2023 after having received the last rites and an apostolic blessing of the Roman Catholic Church just hours before. Sue suffered from several serious ailments over the past few years, particularly congestive heart failure which took a toll on her lungs. But her main affliction was her never-ending heartache over the death two years ago of her husband of 40 years, Ronald “Ronn” Neff.


Appreciating Joe Sobran, and the Virtue of Gratitude in General
by Harley Price
February 27
, 2023

Publisher’s Note: This is the speech by Harley Price, delivered eloquently at the launching of his new book, Give Speech A Chance: Heretical Essays on What You Can’t Say or Even Think

Harley Price discussed “Appreciating Joe Sobran, and the Virtue of Gratitude in General” — It is a great pleasure, and a deeply-felt honour, to be here today — though I must confess that it is also somewhat intimidating to address so distinguished an audience. Alas, I haven’t had much experience of late speaking to people who are educated, literate, rational, or even demonstrably animate: I have been teaching, you see, at an elite university for the past two decades. But then, I’m probably not qualified to differentiate between the animate and the inanimate; I’m not a biologist, after all.


What if Strom Thurmond (or Goldwater) Had been Elected President
by Samuel T. Francis
February 21
, 2023

Publisher’s Note: It has been 18 years since Sam Francis, an FGF Founding Board Member, went to his eternal reward. His brilliance can be seen in this classic column, originally written in 2002.

Samuel T. Francis Samuel Francis Classics, 2/21/2023 — For one brief shining moment, it was beginning to look like Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott was taking hormone shots. First he endorsed sending troops to the border to resist invasion by illegal aliens. Then, last week, at a birthday party for 100-year-old Senator Strom Thurmond he virtually endorsed the South Carolina senator’s presidential campaign 54 years ago — as a segregationist.

Mr. Lott has now apologized at least twice and cringed and groveled appropriately for saying something that deviates from egalitarian dogmas, but whether Mr. Thurmond’s distinguished colleague from Mississippi was trying to utter some serious thoughts or had just swallowed too much eggnog at the birthday bash seems an open question.


The Transforming Miracle of Christmas
by Rev. Mark A. Pilon
December 23
, 2022

For Us A Child is born Littlemore Tracts, December 24, 2017 — One sometimes hears these days the trite expression, “the magic of Christmas”. But good Christians will prefer another expression, “the miracle of Christmas”, or “wonder of Christmas” because that is the most accurate description of Christmas for believers of all ages, in every age. In truth, the miracle or wonder of Christmas is only fully accessible to faith. In what sense, then, is Christmas seen as a miracle by believing Christians?


Anne Libby Edwards
by Fran Griffin
November 12
, 2022

Anne Edwards Anne Libby Edwards, cherished wife of Lee Edwards, died on November 6, a week after suffering a stroke. Her demise at this time was unexpected. While she had a few medical issues, she was healthy and spry enough to attend the recent September 3rd wedding of her grandson, Daniel O’Connor in Latrobe, Pennsylvania (near Pittsburgh).


The FGF Book Launching of
Give Speech A Chance:
Heretical Essays on What You Can’t Say or Even Think

Cover of Give Speech a Chance book Watch the video and see photos of the September 23 Book Launching of FGF Books’ latest book, Give Speech A Chance.


A New Defense of Reason
by Charles G. Mills
September 17
, 2022

A Book Review of
Give Speech A Chance: Heretical Essays on
What You Can’t Say or Even Think

by Harley Price
FGF Books (2022, hardcover, 326 pages)

Give Speech a Chance Front Royal, Virginia — The most obvious thing about this new collection of the writings of Canadian scholar Harley Price is that he has no use, none at all, for nonsense. This book is covers a lot of ground from capitalism, sex (the acts and the two sexes of people) journalism, despotism, abortion, conformity, education, tradition, liberty, and more.


Paul Gottfried To Extol
Give Speech A Chance
at September 23 Book Launching

September 12, 2022

Give Speech a Chance “Dealing Humorously with the Woke Enemy” will be the title of Paul Gottfried’s speech at the September 23rd Book Launching Event for Give Speech A Chance: Heretical Essays on What You Can’t Say or Even Think. The 326 page hardcover book by Harley Price was published in June by FGF Books. Tickets to the book launch luncheon are still available for friends of FGF Books.

Paul Gottfried, the editor-in-chief of Chronicles: A Magazine of American Culture calls Give Speech A Chance “A dazzling collection of mordant essays on the aberrant Zeitgeist.”

His book review of the new book, published in Chronicles magazine, is reprinted below.


Gnosticism, American Style
by Bartholomew de la Torre, O.P.
September 6
, 2022

A Book Review of
Give Speech A Chance: Heretical Essays on
What You Can’t Say or Even Think

by Harley Price
FGF Books (2022, hardcover, 326 pages)

Give Speech a Chance After reading about Gnosticism, which is Greek for Know-it-all-ism, for years, all I could conclude was that I really did not know what it was at its kernel. I only found analyses of multitudinous manifestations of this philosophy over the centuries—from the ancient Zoroaster, to the Cathars in the Middle Ages, to the Rosicrucians and Freemasons in our own times—and far from making me a know-it-all, this study left me simply confused.

Hence my gratitude to Give Speech a Chance. For though author Harley Price does not offer a definition of Gnosticism himself, he does suggest one:


Book Launching Event
for Give Speech A Chance
“Appreciating Joe Sobran,
and the Virtue of Gratitude in General”

Cover of Give Speech a Chance book Friday, September 23, 2022
11:30 a.m.
McLean, Virginia
Make a donation to support this event here.

Friends of FGF Books are invited to attend a luncheon for Give Speech A Chance: Heretical Essays on What You Can’t Say or Even Think on Friday, September 23.

This book launching event will feature a talk by author Harley Price titled “Appreciating Joe Sobran, and the Virtue of Gratitude in General” and three talks about the book:
--“Dealing Humorously with the Woke Enemy” by Paul Gottfried.
--“The Price of Being Free” by Bartholomew de la Torre, O.P.
--“A Hetero-Normative, Cisgender Barbarian Tells All” by Allan Carlson.


FGF to join an amicus brief petitioning the Supreme Court to end vaccine mandates for health professionals
by Fran Griffin
June 13
, 2022 — The Supreme Court will soon decide if it will consider a challenge by Missouri and nine other states to the Covid-19 “vaccine” mandate imposed on the health care sector. Ten states* have filed a petition of certiorari asking the High Court to take a second look at the legality of the mandate. The amicus brief, Missouri v. Biden, being filed on June 21, will encourage the Supreme Court to grant certiorari.

The Fitzgerald Griffin Foundation will be a petitioner in the amicus brief arguing that the federal government has no constitutional or natural law authority to force medical treatments on Americans. The law firm of William J. Olson, P.C. Attorney At Law is preparing the brief.


Today’s Aberrant Sexual Politics, in the Light of the Sexual Revolution of the 1960s, in the Light of Revolutions in General
by Harley Price
May 30
, 2022

Publisher’s Note: Harley Price, author of the latest FGF book, Give Speech a Chance: Heretical Essays on What You Can’t Say or Even Think, will be speaking at the annual conference of the Academy of Philosophy and Letters on June 3. The theme of the conference is “After Disorder: Looking Backward to Move Forward.” His remarks, which are extracted from an essay in his book, can be read below.

Harley Price Give Speech A Chance: Essays on What You Can’t Say or Even Think — We flatter ourselves that we are very sophisticated about sex, but that sophistication is at most a technical one. One hears parents boasting, ironically, that their teenagers know more about the birds and the bees than they ever did when they were young.

What these proud parents really mean is that their children now have more experience with sex, not that they have any deeper understanding of what has, until recently, always been regarded as a mystery. As Dr. Johnson has said, "Vulgar and inactive minds confound familiarity with knowledge." In spite of the word’s etymology, one doesn’t require experience with something to be an expert. The best expert on drowning is the man who can swim; the man with too much experience of it will have nothing to say on the subject.


Joe Sobran Quote of the Week
May 24, 2022

Cal Thomas writes in a May 24, 2022 article in The Indiana Gazette titled “Theology, politics, and abortion”:
The late columnist Joseph Sobran, a Roman Catholic, summed up the danger of Christians conforming to the world’s thinking: “It can be exalting to belong to a church that is five hundred years behind the times and sublimely indifferent to fashion; it is mortifying to belong to a church that is five minutes behind the times, huffing and puffing to catch up.”

What Would Joe Sobran Say?
by Peter Maurice
February 23
, 2022

Today is the anniversary of Joe Sobran’s 76th birthday. The following article by Peter Maruice was published in the January-February 2022 edition of The New Oxford Review

Joe Sobran New Oxford Review, January-February 2022 — Comedians find it easy to imitate the distinctive voice of an actor. Not all actors have a trademark voice, but those who do make easy work for the impersonator.

Joe Sobran (1946-2010) was a writer by trade, not a mimic, but he amused his friends on the police force by barking out from his car window, à la James Cagney, “You’ll never take me alive, Copper!”

A passable takeoff is not so easy with a writer who has an identifiable voice. Try simulating a page in the tone of Charles Dickens or Samuel Johnson: satisfaction is not guaranteed. Sobran’s was one of those distinct voices, hard to define but easy to recognize. You might describe it — inadequately — as an erudite blend of moral earnestness and playful humor.


Announcing our Latest Book: Harley Price’s Give Speech A Chance: Heretical Essays on What You Can’t Say or Even Think
by Fran Griffin
President, Fitzgerald Griffin Foundation
(from the Foreword)
November 12
, 2021

Cover of Give Speech a Chance book, November 12, 2021 — It is with great pleasure that FGF Books adds author Harley Price’s sensational anthology to our reservoir of exceptional books. Give Speech A Chance is a remarkable, timely and prescient collection of some of the best essays on our culture and society available today.

There is a common thread in this book, which is summed up in the apt subtitle, Heretical Essays on What You Can’t Say or Even Think. As the author himself states, there is “an ever-expanding list of things you cannot say in this age of progressive ‘tolerance,’ and it begets the sort of self-censorship that has always been the norm in totalitarian regimes.”

FGF supporters have the opportunity to Pre-Order this book now for just $23 including shipping!


Ronald N. Neff: Renaissance Man,
Devout Catholic, and My Friend

by Fran Griffin
November 11
, 2021

Ronald N. Neff November 11, 2021, fgfBooks.comRonald N. Neff, a close ally of Joe Sobran’s, managing editor of Sobran’s newsletter, long-time editor for the publications of the Fitzgerald Griffin Foundation – and my friend –died last week. An obit written by his loyal wife of 40 years, Susan Neff, can be read here.


Kristin Kazyak: Warrior for Christ
by Fran Griffin
April 12
, 2021

Kristin Kazyak — Kristin Regina Kazyak, a passionate crusader for Christ and staunch defender of the unborn, died in California on March 20 after succumbing to non-smoker lung cancer. She was 68.

Kristin was a lay secular member of the Order of Atonement of The Franciscan Minims of the Perpetual Help of Mary. The Order’s beginnings were inspired by the Cristero War in Mexico in the 1920s against the Communist persecution of Catholics and the Church.



The Hive
by Joe Sobran
February 23
, 2021

Today is the anniversary of Joe Sobran’s 75th birthday. He and journalist Tom Bethell developed the metaphor of “The Hive.” Joe explains the metaphor, below.

Beehive Sobran’s: The Real News of the Month, June 1999 — Twenty years ago, I was struck by the way various sorts of political “progressives” — Communists, socialists, liberals, “civil libertarians,” “moderates,” “pragmatists” — all spontaneously cooperated with each other. It wasn’t a conspiracy; there was obviously no central direction. But the pattern was too clear to be denied.

The word “Left” was a dead metaphor; it said nothing interesting about the people it referred to. So I used the metaphor of an insect hive, which captured the way such people moved in harmony and communicated with each other.


Resisting Jesus
by Joe Sobran
December 25
, 2020

Christ is born today Subtracting Christianity: Essays on American Culture and Society — As always in our time, Christmas is provoking dissent from people who don’t want Christian symbols on public property or Christmas carols sung in public schools.

Many Christians find this annoying and churlish. Some even feel that Christianity is being persecuted. The columnist Michelle Malkin writes, “We are under attack by Secularist Grinches Gone Wild.” Pat Buchanan goes so far as to speak of “hate crimes” against Christians.

I disagree.


You are invited to attend a talk
“The Indwelling of the Holy Trinity:
How Faithful Catholics Can Change the World”

by Dominican missionary Rev. Gregory Maturi, O.P.
October 11
, 2020

Fr. Greg Maturi, O.P. Sunday, October 11, 2020
4 p.m. Sung Vespers
4:30 p.m. Talk by Fr. Maturi

St. John the Beloved Catholic Church
6420 Linway Terrace
McLean, Virginia 22101

See More Details

On Imposing One’s Views
by Joe Sobran
October 7
, 2020

A former embryo being held by his parents Subtracting Christianity: Essays on American Culture and Society — I am sometimes asked, when in conversation it transpires that I oppose abortion, whether I am a Catholic.

That this is deemed a pertinent question is a mark of confusion — and of the success of the pro-abortion campaign, which has managed to get an ethical and political problem turned into a credal problem. The result has been to further embitter an already thorny issue.


The Catholic Position
by Joe Sobran
September 30
, 2020

[Publisher’s Note: Joe Sobran’s depiction of the perpetual rage of anti-Catholicism is as apt today as it was when he penned this column in 2002. Today marks the 10th anniversary of his passing. May he rest in peace.]

Joe Sobran Subtracting Christianity: Essays on American Culture and Society — A few weeks ago I tried, in my feeble way, to express why I fell in love with the Catholic Church. I received many gracious and grateful responses from others who felt the same way, some of them converts like me.

Inevitably, there were also a few jeers, directed not so much against me as against the Church. Some dredged up old scandals of wicked popes, or supposedly shocking utterances of Catholic saints, or mere clichés of traditional anti-Catholic polemics. Most of these were meant to embarrass, not to persuade; the usual ahistorical nuggets.

What is startling is the perpetual passion of anti-Catholicism. You’d think that by now people who reject Catholicism would calmly ignore its teachings as old and irrelevant superstitions. After all, the Church has none of her old political power, adherence is now totally voluntary, and she has enough trouble getting her own children to listen to her.


Hating Mother Teresa
by Joe Sobran
September 3
, 2020

[Publisher’s Note: Mother Teresa of Calcutta was recently declared a saint by the Catholic Church. Her feast day is September 5, the date she went to her eternal reward in 1997. This column was written shortly after her death.]

Mother Teresa holding a child Subtracting Christianity: Essays on American Culture and Society — I’ve always resisted calling Mother Teresa a saint, not because I had any reason to doubt her holiness, but because I felt it was presumptuous to call any living person a saint. Besides, I suspect that a truly holy person — holiness being inseparable from humility — would hate being venerated in this life.

Now that she is gone, though, it seems safe to say it: if Mother Teresa wasn’t a saint, it’s hard to imagine what one would look like. She not only lived, to all appearances, a holy life; she actually enlarged our conception of what such a life can be. She found joy in a kind of charity most of us would never dream of attempting, and in an environment we would dread setting foot in. Her example drew thousands of others to imitate her.


A Giant Beset by Pygmies
by Tom Piatak
April 29
, 2020

[Tom Piatak scrutinizes a First Things article on Samuel Francis on today’s 73rd anniversary of his birth.]

Sam Francis Chronicles: A Magazine of American Culture — Most newspaper and magazine articles are forgotten not long after they appear. Does anyone read the 25-year-old columns of Norman Podhoretz, William F. Buckley, or Richard John Neuhaus for insight into current events? It therefore tells us something when First Things prints a 20-page essay about a political journalist who has been dead for almost 15 years.

This person, we learn, “won almost no access to major conservative outlets” in life, and indeed was “purged and marginalized.” It tells us even more when the journal running this long essay rarely agreed with the subject during his life. Thus, whatever else it may be, First Things’ lengthy essay on Sam Francis must be regarded as proof that he remains relevant to contemporary debate, and was what many readers of Chronicles knew he was: a genius.


Religion: A Non-Essential Service?
Failure to guard Religious Liberty during the Pandemic

by Rev. Jerry J. Pokorsky
April 27
, 2020

Censored Religious Liberty The Catholic Thing — Protestant-Catholic relations have been volatile, to say the least, throughout American history. But in recent decades, there has been good reason for friendly collaboration. People of faith widely recognize Godless secularism as a common enemy. Hostility to religion has accelerated. With the COVID-19 shutdown, civic authorities in many localities have targeted churches for closure, but not, for example, liquor stores. Where is the pushback by Catholic leaders?


One Year Later: The Fire at Notre Dame
Eastertide Reflections

by Harley Price
April 15
, 2020

[Publisher’s Note: Today is the first anniversary of the fire at Notre Dame cathedral in Paris.]

Notre Dame cathedral fire Toronto, Canada,, April 21, 2019 — Like a multitude of others, apparently, I was taken aback by the intensity of my reaction to the news of the fire at Notre Dame in Paris. Until it was ascertained that the great rose windows in the transepts and west front had been spared, Mrs. P. and I were on what was rather like a death vigil for an old friend.


Behold the Man, Behold Man
by Rev. Mark A. Pilon
Good Friday, April 10
, 2020

Ecce Homo – Behold the Man

3 crosses image on Good Friday Littlemore Tracts, Good Friday 2013 — One of the most horrific scenes in the movie, The Passion of the Christ, is certainly the scourging at the pillar, where Christ is so savagely beaten and tortured that it is difficult even to watch it on screen.


The Coronavirus, the Constitution, and Natural Law
by Charles G. Mills
April 8
, 2020

Front Royal, Virginia — It is hard to imagine a job worse than is now underway to deal with the effects of the Coronavirus. This is true both in the United States and in Europe.


Psychic Pandemic: A Contrarian View of the Coronavirus Response
by Harley Price
April 3
, 2020

Toronto, Canada — There may be a silver lining to the coronavirus. Parliament has now been officially quarantined. Mass shootings are being put on hold (there are no masses, sacred or secular). South of the border, Chuck Schumer, reflexively enraged at whatever Trump does, says, or thinks, may be moved to remind himself that the virus can be passed to others in airborne droplets, and thus stop foaming at the mouth for a while. And more Americans may, belatedly, come to recognize the prudence of Trump’s admonitions about our addiction to cheap Chinese labor, and the vulnerability of the U.S. “supply chain” to the malevolent whims of another communist dictatorship.


The End of Internationalism
by Charles G. Mills
March 30
, 2020

Front Royal, Virginia — The coronavirus killed internationalism. Specifically it has ended free movement between countries and international control over national budgets.


Jon Utley (1934-2020): He learned History’s Lessons and was a Gracious Friend
by Allan Brownfeld
March 29
, 2020

Jon Utley Alexandria, Virginia — It was with great sadness that I learned of the death of Jon Basil Utley. I have known Jon for more than fifty years after becoming a close friend of his mother, the distinguished writer Freda Utley. Jon was a great patriot, holding his adopted country to a high standard. “My country right or wrong,” was not a part of his worldview.


The Schumer Threat
by Charles G. Mills
March 13
, 2020

embryo Front Royal, Virginia — On March 4, 2020, as he was standing in front of the U. S. Supreme Court, Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY), Minority Leader of the U. S. Senate, made reckless and dangerous threats against the two most junior justices on the court, Neal Gorsuch and Brent Kavanaugh. On that day, the Supreme Court was hearing oral argument in the case of June Medical Services v. Russo, an important case about abortion chambers.*

The abortion industry falsely claims that emergencies in abortions are very rare. This case challenges a Louisiana law that requires abortion chambers be located within thirty miles of a hospital at which the abortionist has admitting privileges. Louisiana argues that this is necessary to protect either the mother or the baby if something goes wrong and hospital emergency care is needed, or if care by a duly admitted doctor is required.


[Publisher’s Note: To commemorate Joe Sobran’s birthday, (he would have been 74 years old today), here is a classic column from 2002.]

The State and Heresy
by Joe Sobran
February 23
, 2020

A painting of St. Paul from St. Severin Church in Paris Sobran’s: The Real News of the Month, March 2002 — In recent weeks I've been debating with people I usually agree with: conservative Christians. Many of them feel I've gone too far in the direction of philosophical anarchism, in defiance of both Scripture and Catholic teaching.


St. Valentine’s Day: Seeking balance in love and romance
by Mark Wegierski
February 14
, 2020

Toronto, Canada — On Valentine’s Day, the subject of love and relationships is on the minds of men and women in society. What sort of societal changes and influences have impacted on the rapport between the sexes?


Crucial Issue Politics
by Joe Sobran
January 22
, 2020

Publisher’s Note: On this 47th anniversary of the Supreme Court legalizing abortion in America, Joe Sobran examines pro-abortion polemics.

Newborn in hands of parents Single Issues: Essays on the Crucial Social Questions, Winter 1982 — Abortion might be called the single issue about which you mustn't be a single-issue voter. Civil rights, Israel, farm policy, nuclear energy, entitlement programs, whales -- you can be down-right obsessive about any of these, and nobody will say boo.

Come to think of it, any political lobby is likely to be a single-issue affair. Even the hated oil lobby isn't criticized for not branching out into snail darters or something. Why is the charge of single-issue politics -- well, a charge?


Leaving Iraq
by Charles G. Mills
January 20
, 2020

Charles G. Mills Front Royal, Virginia — The Iraqi parliament has asked for the removal of all American troops from Iraq. This is a great opportunity for America.


Could an Unintended Consequence of the Execution of Soleimani be President Bernie Sanders?
by Patrick J. Buchanan
January 17
, 2020

American flag WASHINGTON, D.C. — The directed killing of Gen. Qassem Soleimani, Iran's blood-soaked field marshal in the "forever war" of the Middle East, has begun to roil the politics of both the region and the U.S.A.


The Real News of the Century
by Joe Sobran
December 30
, 2019

The Catholic Martyrs of the Twentieth Century Sobran’s: The Real News of the Month, June 2000 — Whenever people praise my courage, I think: “If only they knew how little I really have!” Much as I venerate martyrs, I’ve done nothing to put myself in their company, and I dread the true test, especially after reading about those heroic souls who have endured it (as I’ll shortly explain).

One reason I write as I do is to avoid living in a country in which I’d have to be truly brave. Here, at least for the time being, I can’t be jailed and tortured for my views, and I’d like to keep it that way. I have just enough courage to risk ostracism by people I would gladly ostracize myself, even if it costs me some income to incur their displeasure. We live in an age of hypocrisy that makes the Victorian Age seem an era of rowdy candor.


Can God Speak to Us?
by Joe Sobran
December 23
, 2019

Nativity painting San Luigi Griffin Internet Syndicate, December 7, 2004 — Flash! Just in time for the Christmas season, Newsweek reports this week that the Gospel accounts of Christ’s nativity aren’t “fully factual.”

Do tell. Talk about investigative journalism!

Not to be outdone, Time assures us this week that “constantly evolving scholarship” casts doubt on the Gospel narratives. So what else is new? Scholarly attempts to diminish Christ through the “higher criticism” go way back. Thomas Jefferson simply edited all the miracles out of the New Testament and thought he’d produced Gospels that were fully factual.


Article I: Remove This Beast from My Sight!
by Ann Coulter
December 21
, 2019

Ann Coulter, December 18, 2019 — In the history of politics, there is no precedent for the media’s entire focus to be on undoing the last presidential election.

True, the left has wanted to impeach every Republican president, but at least they used to wait a decent interval between the inauguration and concocting some preposterous “impeachable offense.”


Wars of Regime Change
by Charles G. Mills
September 19
, 2019

Remains of church in Syria Front Royal, VirginiaTulsi Gabbard, a war veteran and Democrat candidate for President, has described American policy for the last eighteen years as a succession of wars of regime change. This is a succinct and accurate description of our policy -- and it is at the heart of what is wrong with neo-conservatism.


The Reality of Satan
by Monsignor Charles Pope
September 4
, 2019

Crucifix and Rite of Exorcism book Washington, D.C. — Once again it is necessary to reiterate the true, Catholic, and biblical teaching on Satan and demons. Contrary to what Superior General of the Society of Jesus Fr. Arturo Sosa stated in a recent interview, the Church does not teach that Satan is merely a symbol or an idea. He is not the “personification of evil”; he is a person, an individual creature, a fallen angelic being (as are all demons).


The Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms
by Charles G. Mills
August 16
, 2019

USA Flag Front Royal, Virginia — Whenever there is a notorious misuse of a rifle, the enemies of the Second Amendment to the Constitution attempt to create and use hysteria to restrict the right of the people to keep pistols or rifles.

Right now, there is a clamor to revive the former law against “assault rifles” or even to outlaw all “semi-automatic rifles.” This clamor ignores the role of the Second Amendment as a protector of freedom.


Mary Dougherty Janetatos, R.I.P.
--a reflection on her life

by Fran Griffin
July 19
, 2019

Mary Janetatos photo Washington, D.C. — Mary Theresa Dougherty Janetatos, a lay Dominican, teacher, religious education instructor, staunch defender of the unborn, active member of the Angelic Warfare Confraternity, a founder, executive director and president of the North American Bluebird Society, and former president of Annunciation Academy, died on the feast of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, July 16, 2019.


Happy Birthday, America!
by Charles G. Mills
July 4
, 2019

Declaration of Independence 1819 by John Trumbull Front Royal, Virginia — Independence Day, the Fourth of July, is America’s birthday. On July 4, 1776, the Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence. On that day, thirteen British colonies declared themselves an independent country.

John Adams, one of our country’s Founding Fathers and our second president, said of this great event, "I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival. It ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance, by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illuminations, from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward for evermore."


Canada Day
by Mark Wegierski
July 1
, 2019

Canadian flag Toronto, Canada — July 1, 2019 is Canada Day -- the national holiday of Canada. Traditionally it was called Dominion Day. It is celebrated throughout Canada in a similar way to how the United States celebrates the 4th of July. All banks, government offices, and most businesses are closed. There are festivals, parades, concerts, and celebrations throughout the provinces. However, the patriotic aspects of the celebration are more muted in Canada than in the U.S. Although the national anthem is sung, the celebrations often focus on celebrating the diversity and multiculturalism of current-day Canada.


Good Night, Sweet Prince
by Joe Sobran
June 28
, 2019

Philip Nicolaides Publisher’s Note: Philip Nicolaides, who was instrumental in the founding of the newsletter Sobran’s: The Real News of the Month, and Joe Sobran’s closest friend, died on June 25, 1994. Here is a column that Sobran wrote after his passing.

Subtracting Christianity: Essays on American Culture and Society — Phil Nicolaides made national headlines only once. In 1981, as Ronald Reagan’s deputy director of the Voice of America, he urged the VOA to push pro-American and anti-Soviet propaganda. He used the word “propaganda,” too, because, knowing Latin as he did, he knew what it meant: things to be propagated. But the word scandalized the media, and there was a big uproar, and Phil was forced to resign.


Will Hungary Save the West?
by Charles G. Mills
June 19
, 2019

Map of Hungary Front Royal, Virginia — The Hungarian government has recently announced some important steps to improve its birth rate without diminishing liberty. Like most of the West, Hungary has a birth rate that is below its replacement level. The failure of a civilization to replace itself is a tragic form of cultural suicide and a violation of God’s command to multiply. Now, however, Hungary may be showing us the way out of this tragedy.


Sobran examines hatred of Christ: Disbelievers can be His best witnesses
by Monsignor Charles Pope
May 29
, 2019

Joe Sobran Washington, D.C. — The late columnist Joseph Sobran once pondered the special hatred of the world for Christ. He wrote:
Great as Shakespeare is, I never lose sleep over anything he said … By the same token nobody ever feels guilty about anything Plato or Aristotle said … We aren’t tempted to resist them as we are tempted to resist Christ (Joseph Sobran’s “The Words and Deeds of Christ” from Subtracting Christianity: Essays on American Culture and Society, FGF Books, 2015, pp. 1-2).

I have often contemplated this hostility toward and resistance to Christ and His Body, the Church; it is unparalleled. Few of the Protestant denominations experience this hatred. The Buddhists don’t seem to be subject to it. Even the Muslims are exempt despite the distinctly non-Western views that predominantly Muslim countries have on many social issues important to the American Left.


President Jefferson Davis: Mistreatment continues of a war hero and devoted public servant
by Charles G. Mills
May 3
, 2019

President Jefferson Davis Front Royal, Virginia — Arlington County, located across the Potomac River from Washington, D.C., has asked the Commonwealth of Virginia to rename the Jefferson Davis Highway in Arlington. Alexandria, Virginia renamed the sections of the Jefferson Davis Highway running through their city a few years ago. This is ironic because the great affection that many generations felt for President Jefferson Davis was primarily a result of the cruelty and injustice inflicted on him by the triumphant North.


Notre Dame de Paris
by Charles G. Mills
April 19
, 2019

Notre Dame de Paris, side altar Front Royal, Virginia — The Cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris was not totally burned down. It will be restored, rebuilt, repaired, fixed, or something like that. The unanswered question is: Will it come out of the process as a cathedral or a patched-up victim?


The Obama Legacy
by Robert L. Hale
March 22
, 2019

Minot, North Dakota – I’ve asked dozens of friends and acquaintances if there is any limit on how much federal, state and local governmental entities can take from their citizens. Most look at me with a blank stare. Most have never given it a thought.

Clearly the thought has not crossed the minds of many in Congress. We hear some, those that are proudly labeling themselves as “socialists,” righteously telling us the rich need to pay their “fair share.” The most vocal are calling for a 70% to 90% tax rate on the “rich.”


Medicare for No One
by Charles G. Mills
February 28
, 2019

Front Royal, Virginia — The left wing of the Democrat Party wants “Medicare for Everyone,” which is the economic equivalent of “Medicare for No One.”


FGF Petitions Supreme Court to Keep Bladensburg Cross Standing:
Files Brief Against American Humanist Association

by Fran Griffin
President, Fitzgerald Griffin Foundation
February 25
, 2019

Peace Cross Memorial Washington, D.C. — In keeping with our mission to preserve Christianity and the great traditions of Western Civilization, the Fitzgerald Griffin Foundation has filed a 32-page Amicus Curiae brief in the U.S. Supreme Court in the case of The American Legion v. The American Humanist Association to prevent the Bladensburg Peace Cross, a World War I monument to fallen soldiers, from being destroyed.


Pedophilia and Hypocrisy
by Joe Sobran
February 23
, 2019

[On the 73rd anniversary of his birth,
we are publishing a Joe Sobran column written nearly 18 years ago.]

Joe Sobran Griffin Internet Syndicate, May 8, 2001 — I guess I hit a nerve. When I wrote, a few weeks ago, of my disgust with the homosexual movement, I got a barrage of mail accusing me of being “ignorant.” One correspondent spelled it igorant.

Oddly enough, nobody bothered telling me exactly what I was ignorant of. None was able to point out factual errors in what I’d written. These were just people who assume that anyone who disagrees with them, or disapproves of their sanitation-defying deviancy, must be “ignorant.” (Or “igorant.”)


The Value-Free Society
by Joe Sobran
February 8
, 2019

Newsweek: How Life Begins Human Life Review, Spring 1982 — If most people retain anything of their first philosophy course, it is likely to be the convenient distinction between "facts" and "values" that was fashionable during the heyday of logical positivism. According to this still popular doctrine, we cannot derive "ought" from "is." An impassible gulf separates them. On one side are provable, objective realities; on the other, merely subjective preferences. Or: on one side science, on the other religion, esthetics, ethics.

In these terms, a notable change has occurred in the abortion debate. The advocates of legal abortion used to claim the facts. While their cause was in the ascendant, their constant theme was that "the question when life begins is essentially a moral and religious question, not a scientific one." Nobody could say, they held, when, as a matter of fact, life begins.


Join us for the 37th annual Evening of Viennese Waltzing  on February 16, 2019

An Invitation from Fran Griffin and the Fitzgerald Griffin Foundation

January 24, 2019

Dance the Viennese Waltz Washington, D.C. — On Saturday, February 16, you have the opportunity to attend the magnificent "Evening of Viennese Waltzing" in Washington, D.C. The Fitzgerald Griffin Foundation is one of the sponsors of the 37th annual Waltz Ball.


It's New Year's Eve: Will you help FGF expand our publishing of forthright authors?
by Fran Griffin
December 31
, 2018

Happy new year (almost)! It is still New Year's Eve for a few more hours at this writing.

Will you help FGF expand our publishing of forthright authors?

Please help us in our mission to expand our publishing efforts to include all of Joe Sobran's work, all of Sam Francis's writings, and many other Old Right writers and prominent figures whose work has been forgotten, neglected, or deliberately eradicated.


How the Gulf War Gave Us the Antiwar Right
by Jon Basil Utley
December 28
, 2018

When George H.W. Bush made plans in 1990 for the first Gulf War, Joe Sobran asked Griffin Communications to organize a Press Conference to announce the formation of the Committee to Avert a Mideast Holocaust. Jon Utley recounts this historic moment which brought about a fractioning of the conservative movement and the beginning of the paleoconservative right.


“Bah, Humbug” dishonors our Redemption by Christ
by Charles G. Mills
December 25
, 2018

Front Royal, Virginia — Ebenezer Scrooge eventually was able to keep Christmas as well as any man alive, because he was redeemed, regenerated, indeed, saved. Every man alive needs regeneration because each is descended from Adam, who had committed the only wickedness he could commit. Every person needs individual salvation.


The Man They Still Hate
by Joe Sobran
December 25
, 2018

Incomparable One Griffin Internet Syndicate, December 2, 1999 — The world has long since forgiven Julius Caesar. Nobody today finds Socrates or Cicero irritating. Few of us resent Alexander the Great or his tutor, Aristotle.

No, only one man in the ancient world is still hated after two millennia: Jesus Christ.


Joe Sobran books make great presents!
by Fran Griffin, president, Fitzgerald Griffin Foundation
December 12
, 2018

Merry Christmas (almost)! If you are looking for a special gift for someone for Christmas, Consider buying one or more of these outstanding Joseph Sobran collections:

Joseph Sobran: The National Review Years Subtracting Christianity: Essays on American Culture and Society Hustler: The Clinton Legacy


Public Hanging vs. Lynching: The Defamation of Senator Hyde-Smith
by Charles G. Mills
December 7
, 2018

Charles G. Mills Front Royal, VA — Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith of Mississippi has won easy reelection, despite a negative media campaign based on a flagrant lie. At an event earlier in November, she had made a statement about being willing to sit in the front row at a public hanging.


FGF Petitions Supreme Court to Reject Eugenics: Files Brief Against Planned Parenthood
by Fran Griffin, president, Fitzgerald Griffin Foundation
November 30
, 2018

May a State restrict abortions for sex selection,
Down Syndrome, and race of the baby?

Washington, D.C — In keeping with our mission of protecting the rights of all Americans, from conception to natural death, the Fitzgerald Griffin Foundation has filed an Amicus Curiae brief in the U.S. Supreme Court in the case of Commissioner of the Indiana State Department of Health, et al v. Planned Parenthood of Indiana and Kentucky, et al. The brief addresses the following argument:

“Whether a State may prohibit abortions motivated solely by the race, sex, or disability of the fetus – and require abortion doctors to inform patients of the prohibition.”


Lynch Mobs in the Senate
by Charles G. Mills
November 16
, 2018

Front Royal, Virginia — The Democrat campaign of defamation to keep Justice Brett Kavanagh off the Supreme Court failed — and may have backfired. The conduct throughout the hearings seems to have been more compulsive than rational. For more than 50 years, the behavior and rhetoric of Democrats in the United States Senate to Republican appointments to the United States Supreme Court have been more like those of lynch mob members than dignified senators.


Kavanaugh Lynching: Dress Rehearsal for Trump Impeachment
by Patrick J. Buchanan
October 2
, 2018

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Judge Brett Kavanaugh's nomination to the Supreme Court was approved on an 11-10 party-line vote Friday in the Senate Judiciary Committee. Yet his confirmation is not assured.


High Court Pick Will Impact Religious Liberty
by Charles G. Mills
September 24
, 2018

Front Royal, Virginia — America has a strong tradition of religious liberty. It also has a history of persecution that is less well known.

The confirmation of Judge Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court could assure us that we are championing liberty for the next generation. We have frequently been disappointed by justices who appeared to be greater champions of life, liberty, and property when nominated than they proved to be once they were on the Court. Some of this is due to the decline in American jurisprudence over the past century, some is due to the unpredictability of the future decisions of justices, and some is due to the poor selections of nominees. In general, Judge Kavanaugh seems to be a friend of religious liberty, although some of his statements may disclose hints of positivist jurisprudence.


Bill Clinton blamed U.S. mistreatment of Indians and slavery for 9/11 Attack
by Samuel T. Francis
September 11
, 2018

[Two months after the September 11, 2001 attack on the Twin Towers,
Samuel Francis wrote the below column.]

Samuel Francis Classic, November 12, 2001 — There are many good consequences of Bill Clinton no longer being president, but not the least is that at last we can find out what he really thinks. As long as Mr. Clinton was in the White House, getting the truth out of him was like looking for intelligent life on Mars. But last week, after a year of rest and relaxation, the ex-president revealed to a breathless world exactly why America was attacked by terrorists on Sept. 11.


Trump’s America vs. Trudeau’s Canada
by Mark Wegierski
September 4
, 2018

TORONTO, ONTARIO — Donald Trump is currently renegotiating free trade with Canada, a country where over 70% of its trade is with the United States, and where probably over 80% of the population detests him.


McCain’s Legacy of Interventionist Foreign Policy
by Patrick J. Buchanan
August 31
, 2018

[In addition to this column on John McCain by Pat Buchanan, see also Tom Woods’ article, “What the McCain Eulogies Tell Us” in which he says that Pat Buchanan and Ron Paul are the true mavericks; and Sydney Schanberg’s explosive column, “John McCain and the POW Cover-up.” ]

WASHINGTON, D.C. — "McCain's Death Leaves Void" ran The Wall Street Journal headline over a front-page story that began: "The death of John McCain will leave Congress without perhaps its loudest voice in support of the robust internationalism that has defined the country's security relations since World War II."


The Apotheosis of the Lie
by Joe Sobran
August 10
, 2018

Joe Sobran

Publisher’s Note: Joe Sobran briefly discusses
Lincoln’s subverting of the Constitution in the below column.
For more on this topic, see Sobran’s 2008 column,
Lincoln and His Legacy.

Sobran’s: The Real News of the Month, 2000 — “I cannot tell a lie,” the mythical little George Washington told his father. Parson Weems seems to have invented this edifying tale, and it summed up the old American assumption that republican rulers should be virtuous men, with honesty chief among their virtues. The apotheosis of Abraham Lincoln included the popular myth of “Honest Abe.”


On Imposing One's Views
by Joe Sobran
June 26
, 2018

Joe Sobran Subtracting Christianity, 1979 — I am sometimes asked, when in conversation it transpires that I oppose abortion, whether I am a Catholic.

That this is deemed a pertinent question is a mark of confusion — and of the success of the pro-abortion campaign, which has managed to get an ethical and political problem turned into a credal problem. The result has been to further embitter an already thorny issue.


Calling All Grown Ups
by Joe Sobran
June 19
, 2018

Joe Sobran Subtracting Christianity, January 1, 1998 — Arthur Koestler told the story of an old priest he met during World War II. Fascinated that the man had listened to thousands of confessions and heard countless intimate secrets, he asked him what he had learned about human nature.

The priest was naturally reluctant to discuss the secrets of the confessional, even in the most abstract terms. Finally, though, he offered one generalization: “Basically, nobody ever grows up.”


Looking Back at Reagan
by Joe Sobran
June 12
, 2018

Ronald Reagan Griffin Internet Syndicate Classic — Reading Ronald Reagan's newly published letters reminds me how much I've always liked him, even after I stopped admiring him as a president. He was always a modest, decent, good-humored man, with more common sense and a keener sense of proportion than most politicians. And he loved a good laugh.


Acute Philophilia

Publisher’s Note: Joe Sobran takes apart
one of the most popular TV talk programs of the late 20th century:
The Phil Donahue Show. Nearly 7,000 shows were aired from 1967-96.
See a clip here with Milton Friedman.

by Joe Sobran
June 7
, 2018

Joseph Sobran: The National Review Years The National Review Years, July 25, 1980 — The nation is in the grip of rampant Philophilia — the unnatural love of Phil Donahue. Liking him is one thing; how can you not like Irish charm, even after filtered through a generation or two of Americans? But loving him: waiting months for tickets to his show, shrieking at his entrance, hanging on his words: that’s something else again.


Faith Ryan Whittlesey, R.I.P.

Faith Ryan Whittlesey, a friend of Joe Sobran, passed away on May 21.
Please remember her in your thoughts and prayers.

by Fran Griffin, president, Fitzgerald Griffin Foundation
May 30
, 2018

Faith Ryan Whittlesey: Backwards In High Heels Faith Ryan Whittlesey, who as head of the Office of Public Liaison for President Ronald Reagan, was the highest ranking woman in the White House, died on May 21 at her home in Washington, D.C. She was 79.


Clever Lies to Promote War

Publisher’s Note:
As The American Conservative celebrates its 15th anniversary,
publisher Jon Utley recounts decades of unnecessary military actions and interventions.

by Jon Basil Utley
May 11
, 2018

Jon Utley WASHINGTON, D.C. – Official Washington and those associated with it have misrepresented the facts numerous times in the service of military actions that might not otherwise have taken place. In the Middle East, these interventions have killed hundreds of thousands of innocent Arab civilians, brought chaos to Iraq and Libya, and led to the expulsion of a million Christians from communities where they have lived since biblical times.


Syria: Trump’s Vietnam?
by Patrick J. Buchanan
April 20
, 2018

Patrick J. Buchanan WASHINGTON, D.C — Ten days ago, President Trump was saying "the United States should withdraw from Syria". "We convinced him it was necessary to stay".

Thus boasted French President Emmanuel Macron Saturday, adding, "We convinced him it was necessary to stay for the long term".

Is the U.S. indeed in the Syrian civil war "for the long term"?

If so, who made that fateful decision for this republic?


Not J. Edgar Hoover's FBI
by Charles G. Mills
April 13
, 2018

Charles G. Mills: Not J. Edgar Hoover's FBI Front Royal, Virginia — A few days ago, agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation raided the office, home, and hotel room of President Trump’s personal lawyer, seizing documents, financial records, electronic devices, and emails. Federal police power has grown to be many times greater than anything the Framers of our Constitution could have imagined. While this is true of the Secret Service, the United States Marshals Service, and the police departments of federal agencies and branches, it is particularly true of the FBI.


John Bolton: An Oxymoron for President Trump?
by Allan Brownfeld
April 5
, 2018

Alexandria, VA — President Donald Trump places great importance upon keeping his campaign promises. During the presidential campaign, he repeatedly criticized the Bush Administration's decision to invade Iraq as "the single worst decision ever made." He pledged not to take our country into any more "needless wars."

Yet, he has now named as his National Security Advisor John Bolton, an architect of the Iraq war who still defends it – and who also advocates pre-emptive war and "regime change" in North Korea and Iran.


The Risen Christ walks with us

With that their eyes were opened and they recognized him,
but he vanished from their sight.

by Rev. Mark A. Pilon
, 2018

The Road to Emmaus LittlemoreTracts classic — The great English writer G. K. Chesterton was asked once by a reporter what he would do if the Risen Christ were now standing right behind him. The questioner knew of Chesterton’s firm belief in the bodily resurrection of Christ, but he was not prepared for the answer he got from Mr. Chesterton, who simply replied “but He is.”


Mavericks in Lockstep
by Joe Sobran
March 23
, 2018

William Donohue - The Politics of the American Civil Liberties Union book The National Review Years, 10/14/1988 — The notion that the ACLU is some sort of “watchdog” over the Bill of Rights is wrong. Its interpretation of the Constitution is selective, shaped by a political agenda.


Is Feminism Conservative?
by Paul Gottfried
March 16
, 2018

Domestic Tranquility Elizabethtown, PA — For about a week the conservative establishment lamented the fact that “AEI scholar” Christina Hoff Sommers was treated rudely by students while speaking at Lewis & Clark Law School in Portland, Oregon. The New York Post (March 7, 2018) complained about “campus fascism on the march” and then proceeded to explain Sommers’s unique contribution to our political culture: “She argues that much of modern feminism betrays the movement’s founding ideals.” Unfortunately the “lefty kids” at Lewis & Clark did not appreciate her message and her achievement in keeping alive a better feminism than the one that has now replaced it.


The Trump Tariffs
by Charles G. Mills
March 8
, 2018

Front Royal, Virginia — President Trump has proposed significant tariffs on the importation of steel and aluminum. Should we support or oppose these measures?


Russia is Not the Soviet Union
by Charles G. Mills
March 2
, 2018

Front Royal, Virginia — The liberal communications media frequently speak of today’s Russia as if it were simply a current version of the former Soviet Union. There are, however, many significant differences between the two.


You Can’t Mean It!

Publisher’s Note: Today is the 72nd anniversary of Joe Sobran’s birth.
Happy Birthday, Joe!

by Joe Sobran
February 23
, 2018

Joe Sobran Griffin Internet Syndicate, 10/28/2004 — I just got a message from a friend who nearly always disagrees with me. His disagreement usually takes the form of an irritable accusation: to wit, that I can’t really mean what I say.

I know how he feels. It’s irrational, but we all tend to get angry when others disagree with us. That’s because we are so right that nobody in his right mind could honestly deny it, isn’t it?


by Joe Sobran
February 15
, 2018

The Persecutor The National Review Years, 3/7/1980 – If there were a Thomas Aquinas among us, his talents would be needed to supply irrefutable proofs of the Soviet Union’s existence. A great many people seem unable to believe it’s really there.


What on Earth Is the United States Doing in Darkest Africa?
by Charles Mills
February 9
, 2018

Front Royal, Virginia – Four American soldiers were killed recently in Niger. Most Americans did not know that we had any troops in the field in Africa south of the Sahara Desert or understand the difference between Niger and Nigeria.


Piety for the Future

A review of Christian Humanism:
A Critique of the Secular City and Its
by Thomas Molnar (Franciscan
Herald Press, 1979)

by Joe Sobran
January 29
, 2018

Thomas Molnar
Thomas Molnar
The National Review Years, 4/27/1979 – Secular humanism (as Irving Kristol has pointed out) is virtually an established religion, with the added advantage (as James Hitchcock has pointed out) that it doesn’t suffer the disabilities currently imposed on acknowledged religions.


Writing on the Wall
by Joe Sobran
January 19
, 2018

Joseph Sobran: The National Review Years Publisher’s Note: This classic Sobran column was written eight years before the fall of the Berlin Wall.

The National Review Years, 9/4/1981 — Two decades ago the Berlin Wall went up nearly overnight, the most brutally unequivocal symbol of the division between our awed civilization and the clumsy barbarism that threatens it. In August the occasion was commemorated by two major American publications.

Life did itself proud, with an astonishing 17 full pages of color photos of the 4,500-mile border of the Socialist Bloc, at every point of which soldiers stand ready to kill those who flee.


Journalism v. Conservatism
by Joe Sobran
January 12
, 2018

Joseph Sobran: The National Review Years The National Review Years, 11/5/1990 – Words seem to form partnerships. At one time, you discriminated between. Now you discriminate against. “Discrimination” now betokens not a fine mind, but a character flaw: one that makes you Politically Incorrect, by the way.

Liberalism has succeeded in imposing its verbal prescriptions on the whole population: everyone must now mind even his or her pronouns, or face obloquy.


The Incomparable One
by Joe Sobran
January 1
, 2018

Incomparable One Griffin Internet Syndicate, June 9, 2009 – Jesus was far from being an old man when his earthly life ended. He was probably well under 40, roughly the age of Mozart, who died at 35, as his genius was still approaching its unimaginable peak.

By contrast, nobody thinks of Jesus as having died prematurely, as if he had been killed before his teaching had been fully developed, and as if it might have ripened into something more profound and interesting had his life span been longer. There is about his life a sense of completeness; he had done what he had come to achieve. At the very end, he said, “It is consummated.” He had foretold his own death and resurrection.



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Fitzgerald Griffin Foundation is devoted to preserving a moral culture and education on Western civilization. Founded by Fran Griffin, it publishes books under the imprint of FGF Books (first book was Shots Fired: Sam Francis on America's Culture War); and columns by conservative writers and scholars such as Sam Francis, Paul Gottfried, Joe Sobran, on topics dealing with issues impacting the culture such as: same-sex marriage, polgsmy, abortion, immigration, religion, history, war. Columnists also discuss current events and societal forces such as neoconservatives, and paleoconservatives such as Patrick Buchanan. FGF sponsors lectures and seminars to educate on issues important to a free society.

The Fitzgerald Griffin Foundation is a tax-exempt organization under the 501(c)(3) tax code of the Internal Revenue Service. Contributions to the foundation are tax-deductible.

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Suicide of a SuperPower American Church Right or Wrong book For Notre Dame book

Hustler: The Clinton Legacy

Hustler: The Clinton Legacy,
Joe Sobran’s book on Bill and Hillary’s years in the White House is now available! A new edition of this 2000 book has just been published by FGF Books.
See more.